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- Enough Chinese Nationals Illegally Crossed The U.S. Border Since 2021 To Make A Large Army And Are Positioned Strategically Throughout The Country - China Also Owns Large U.S. Businesses, Farmland In 29 States,& One of The Largest Meat Suppliers In USA
https://www.allnewspipeline.com/China_Owns_America.phpEnough Chinese Nationals Illegally Crossed The U.S. Border Since 2021 To Make A Large Army And Are Positioned Strategically Throughout The Country - China Also Owns Large U.S. Businesses, Farmland In 29 States,& One of The Largest Meat Suppliers In USA https://www.allnewspipeline.com/China_Owns_America.php - China Weaponizing 90%-Fatal Ebola: China's secret biological weapons lab in California] also contained thousands of samples of labeled, unlabeled, and encoded potential pathogens and a freezer labeled 'Ebola'--China's tools to exterminate the American people
WHAT TRUE LOYAL PATRIOTIC GOVERNENT WOULD ALLOW THIS IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY BY SUPPOSED ENEMY?China Weaponizing 90%-Fatal Ebola: China's secret biological weapons lab in California] also contained thousands of samples of labeled, unlabeled, and encoded potential pathogens and a freezer labeled 'Ebola'--China's tools to exterminate the American people WHAT TRUE LOYAL PATRIOTIC GOVERNENT WOULD ALLOW THIS IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY BY SUPPOSED ENEMY? - Get Up, Stand Up, Don’t Give Up the Fight: Know Your Rights or You Will Lose Them: Unfortunately, the American people have existed in a technology-laden, entertainment-fueled, perpetual state of cluelessness ..
https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/05/30/get-up-stand-up-dont-give-up-the-fight-know-your-rights-or-you-will-lose-them/Get Up, Stand Up, Don’t Give Up the Fight: Know Your Rights or You Will Lose Them: Unfortunately, the American people have existed in a technology-laden, entertainment-fueled, perpetual state of cluelessness .. MOST IMPORTANT CALL TO ACTION I HAVE POSTED https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/05/30/get-up-stand-up-dont-give-up-the-fight-know-your-rights-or-you-will-lose-them/WWW.THEBURNINGPLATFORM.COMGet Up, Stand Up, Don’t Give Up the Fight: Know Your Rights or You Will Lose ThemGuest Post by John W. Whitehead “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”—Thomas Jefferson If America’s schools are to i… -
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