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- https://reclaimthenet.org/g20-ministers-meet-in-brazil-to-discuss-disinformation-censorship-agendaRECLAIMTHENET.ORGG20 Ministers Meet in Brazil To Discuss "Disinformation" Censorship AgendaConcerns grow over the alignment of governments leaning towards online censorship.
- https://brownstone.org/articles/the-amish-a-control-group-for-technofeudalismBROWNSTONE.ORGThe Amish: A Control Group for Technofeudalism ⋆ Brownstone InstituteBecause the Amish have rejected modern life, they have become a control group for ills – Big Tech, Big Education, and corporatized medicine.
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/lawmaker-introduces-bill-to-safeguard-federal-networks-from-attacks-from-china-russia-5724552WWW.THEEPOCHTIMES.COMLawmaker Introduces Bill to Guard Federal Networks From Attacks From China, RussiaUnder the new bill, the federal government agencies would need to buy electronics from original equipment manufacturers and authorized resellers.
- WWW.OANN.COMNew Trump Documentary: ‘The Man You Don’t Know’There is a new documentary in the works about 45th President Donald Trump, exploring the lesser-known aspects of Trump.
- In all honesty, I never thought this guy would be arrested, even after the disgusting video of him kicking a woman in a hallway of a hotel was released earlier this year. If he is being arrested, that means that something else bigger is going on, and they are once again using the justice system to distract the American people. The next two months are going to be very interesting.
https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1835866722961682719In all honesty, I never thought this guy would be arrested, even after the disgusting video of him kicking a woman in a hallway of a hotel was released earlier this year. If he is being arrested, that means that something else bigger is going on, and they are once again using the justice system to distract the American people. The next two months are going to be very interesting. https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1835866722961682719 - #KofiSharetember
New post on Ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/post/The-Church-Has-Gone-The-Way-of-The-World-K3K113H4WH#KofiSharetember New post on Ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/post/The-Church-Has-Gone-The-Way-of-The-World-K3K113H4WHKO-FI.COMThe Church Has Gone The Way of The WorldABiblicalWorldview published a post on Ko-fi - 5 am advisory. TD Gordon. Out to sea. Hanging in there at 35 mph.5 am advisory. TD Gordon. Out to sea. Hanging in there at 35 mph.
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