• Thank you Jason! This hear what you said means a lot to me... "We fail to put down our phones and engage fully with the people and experiences right in front of us. Like the film industry before the 1937 fire, we often fail to recognize the value of what we have until it's gone." People don't do that any more...it's sad. I see it in restaurants, even. On their phones, and other gadgets, while their family members are sitting right there being ignored.. I have an older sister, she told me that she rarely sees her adult children, on only lives a half hour away. She said that if she got off fb, she wouldn't know what was going on. Even on Social Media the people don't communicate... constantly putting imoges....what have we become..,... July 9 - Hollywood Inferno: The 1937 Fire that Devastated Film History
    Cherishing Our Blessings Before They're Lost
    Thank you Jason! This hear what you said means a lot to me... "We fail to put down our phones and engage fully with the people and experiences right in front of us. Like the film industry before the 1937 fire, we often fail to recognize the value of what we have until it's gone." People don't do that any more...it's sad. I see it in restaurants, even. On their phones, and other gadgets, while their family members are sitting right there being ignored.. I have an older sister, she told me that she rarely sees her adult children, on only lives a half hour away. She said that if she got off fb, she wouldn't know what was going on. Even on Social Media the people don't communicate... constantly putting imoges....what have we become..,... July 9 - Hollywood Inferno: The 1937 Fire that Devastated Film History Cherishing Our Blessings Before They're Lost https://christiandevotionals.substack.com/p/july-9-hollywood-inferno-the-1937?publication_id=1970552&post_id=146229242&isFreemail=true&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=true
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2727 Views
  • https://patriotpost.us/videos/106996-restaurants-nationwide-collapse-due-to-inflation-2024-05-21
    Restaurants Nationwide Collapse Due to Inflation
    Red Lobster's collapse signals the end of the "martini lunch," as consumers ditch fast-casual dining for quicker or luxury options.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2534 Views
  • After Demanding Mob Confront Trump Officials in Restaurants – Mad Maxine Waters Whines After She’s Confronted in Restaurant, Plays Race Card (VIDEO)


    After Demanding Mob Confront Trump Officials in Restaurants – Mad Maxine Waters Whines After She’s Confronted in Restaurant, Plays Race Card (VIDEO) CRY ME A RIVER MAXINE!!!!! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/after-demanding-mob-confront-trump-officials-restaurants-maxine/
    0 Comments 3 Shares 3043 Views
  • Remember when everybody was trippin' over Jason Aldean shooting a music video in front of the courthouse in downtown Columbia, Tennessee? This is me standing on the steps of that courthouse. Surrounding that courthouse are a bunch of little shops and restaurants where some of the NICEST people in the world run their businesses. I know, because I visited most of them!
    I had the best time, and when I told folks I was visiting from NC, they tried to make me feel as much at home as possible. Don't let the race baiters fool you. I believe there are more people in the world who don't fall for the race hustling than there are people who do...
    Remember when everybody was trippin' over Jason Aldean shooting a music video in front of the courthouse in downtown Columbia, Tennessee? This is me standing on the steps of that courthouse. Surrounding that courthouse are a bunch of little shops and restaurants where some of the NICEST people in the world run their businesses. I know, because I visited most of them! I had the best time, and when I told folks I was visiting from NC, they tried to make me feel as much at home as possible. Don't let the race baiters fool you. I believe there are more people in the world who don't fall for the race hustling than there are people who do...
    1 Comments 0 Shares 2088 Views
  • https://notthebee.com/article/californias-vegan-only-restaurants-are-being-forced-to-put-meat-back-on-the-menu-or-go-out-of-business?utm_source=Not+The+Bee+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=12132023
    California’s vegan-only restaurants are being forced to put meat back on the menu or go out of business
    So many restaurants tried to go the vegan-only route over the last few years, but it turns out that even in Commie-fornia, the people really, really like their animal products.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2534 Views
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/new-york-post-sends-reporter-restaurants-dressed-like/
    New York Post Sends Reporter to Restaurants Dressed Like Sen. John Fetterman- He is Refused Entry
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1192 Views
  • This is too funny...
    This is too funny... https://www.wnd.com/2023/09/restaurants-brutal-policy-dine-dashers-crawling-back-pay/
    WATCH: Restaurant's brutal policy has dine-and-dashers crawling back to pay
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1586 Views