Genesis 2:25
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Obviously, things were still perfect in the garden and in the universe. Sin had not yet entered into the world, The man and the woman walked around the garden all day, living life and enjoying creation, without thought of the fact that they were naked. There was no shame in anything that they did. There was innocence all around and purity that we have never known. There was no cold nor heat that would cause them to need to cover up or undress. They had no need for raiment or adorning; God had already done that for them in the purest fashion. They had no need to feel ashamed. They actually did not know what shame was!
In this age, it is a given that we know nothing but shame. We know our own sin. We know our shame. But praise God, we do not have to be captive to our sin. We do not have to be captive to our shame. God sent Jesus to die on the cross at Calvary to pay our debt of sin. He bore our burden of sin, a burden that we could not get rid of on our own, a sin debt that we had no means to pay, on His body on the cross and took the punishment that we were owed. God worked it out so that you and I could be saved from the eternal punishment that we deserve. John 3:17 says, "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
If you do not have a relationship with the LORD Jesus; if you have not confessed your sin to Him and asked Him to forgive you; if you have not asked Him to save you and be LORD over your life, I urge you to do so today. Don't let this moment pass because the next moment is not promised to you. If you die without having come to the saving knowledge of the LORD Jesus, your eternal fate will be sealed and you will be cast into everlasting hell fire. Read Mark 9 to find out all the reasons why you do not want that to happen. Then turn to Romans 10 to find out how you can be saved. Let today be the day that you give your burden of shame to the One Who wants to bear it for you...