Praising God this morning for His Divine protection for my family. Here's one of many pictures of the destruction at the RV park in Port Lavaca where they have their home parked. Their rig was blown sideways about 4 feet but otherwise undamaged...their StarLink receiver on the ground was unmoved:) Daughter-in-law teaches just a short distance away, no sirens were sounded as apparently it formed very fast...when she got home she was greeted with missing and destroyed trailers and very relieved to find theirs and their 5 dogs safe. My son was on a job in LA but was able to get home yesterday long enough to move the trailer to a temporary location as only half the park has power. Had to return to work but is hopeful he can get back this weekend and get things back to normal. Praising God this morning for His Divine protection for my family. Here's one of many pictures of the destruction at the RV park in Port Lavaca where they have their home parked. Their rig was blown sideways about 4 feet but otherwise undamaged...their StarLink receiver on the ground was unmoved:) Daughter-in-law teaches just a short distance away, no sirens were sounded as apparently it formed very fast...when she got home she was greeted with missing and destroyed trailers and very relieved to find theirs and their 5 dogs safe. My son was on a job in LA but was able to get home yesterday long enough to move the trailer to a temporary location as only half the park has power. Had to return to work but is hopeful he can get back this weekend and get things back to normal.