I was browsing this platform and I found the very first blog post that I put up on this site. It was back in September! Doesn't seem like it has been that long but I have had fun with you guys ever since I've been here. Cre8aplace is a blessing...
Psalm 8:5-6
For Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet...
God gave man preeminence over all the created beings on the earth. Man has the highest ranking and is considered most important among living creatures. God has given man a spirit which is filled with the power of the Holy Spirit upon regeneration. No other created being that lives has that distinction. The spirit of man is immortal; his spirit will live on in heaven if he is a believer in the LORD Jesus upon physical death, or his spirit will live on in eternal death if he has rejected the LORD Jesus upon physical death. Whether his destiny is heaven or hell, the spirit of a man will be aware of his where he is in eternity. No other created being has that distinction.
Man's high earthly ranking gives him dominion over all the other created beings. That dominion began in the garden (Genesis 1:26-28) and was resumed after the flood (Genesis 9:1-3). God crowned mankind with glory by giving him the ability to reason (Job 35:11) which he has given to no other living creature. No matter how much man deifies the animal kingdom, God only made man human. Only humans can do what God designed humans to do.
Thank You LORD for how you made humanity! Were we to use our God-given gifts in the manner in the LORD designed them, we would be much better off in society.
I was browsing this platform and I found the very first blog post that I put up on this site. It was back in September! Doesn't seem like it has been that long but I have had fun with you guys ever since I've been here. Cre8aplace is a blessing...
Psalm 8:5-6
For Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet...
God gave man preeminence over all the created beings on the earth. Man has the highest ranking and is considered most important among living creatures. God has given man a spirit which is filled with the power of the Holy Spirit upon regeneration. No other created being that lives has that distinction. The spirit of man is immortal; his spirit will live on in heaven if he is a believer in the LORD Jesus upon physical death, or his spirit will live on in eternal death if he has rejected the LORD Jesus upon physical death. Whether his destiny is heaven or hell, the spirit of a man will be aware of his where he is in eternity. No other created being has that distinction.
Man's high earthly ranking gives him dominion over all the other created beings. That dominion began in the garden (Genesis 1:26-28) and was resumed after the flood (Genesis 9:1-3). God crowned mankind with glory by giving him the ability to reason (Job 35:11) which he has given to no other living creature. No matter how much man deifies the animal kingdom, God only made man human. Only humans can do what God designed humans to do.
Thank You LORD for how you made humanity! Were we to use our God-given gifts in the manner in the LORD designed them, we would be much better off in society.