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- Romans 1:1-“Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ.”
Jude 1:1-“Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ.”
The testimony expressed by Paul and Jude is my testimony as well. I am a bondservant of Jesus, my Lord. Hope you are too.Romans 1:1-“Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ.” Jude 1:1-“Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ.” The testimony expressed by Paul and Jude is my testimony as well. I am a bondservant of Jesus, my Lord. Hope you are too. - The LORD Answered The Servant's Prayer
Genesis 24:22-28
https://ko-fi.com/post/The-LORD-Answered-The-Servants-Prayer-V7V816KFXLThe LORD Answered The Servant's Prayer Genesis 24:22-28 https://ko-fi.com/post/The-LORD-Answered-The-Servants-Prayer-V7V816KFXLKO-FI.COMThe LORD Answered The Servant's PrayerABiblicalWorldview published a post on Ko-fi - Happy Monday! Believers, keep your eyes on the LORD. He is doing things behind the scenes of which we have no idea!!!
#MondayMeditationHappy Monday! Believers, keep your eyes on the LORD. He is doing things behind the scenes of which we have no idea!!! #MondayMeditation - If you died tonight, do you know where you will spend eternity?
#MondayMeditationIf you died tonight, do you know where you will spend eternity? #MondayMeditation - Don't give up. Keep praying. God's delay is not necessarily a denial.
#MondayMeditationDon't give up. Keep praying. God's delay is not necessarily a denial. #MondayMeditation - The only answer to everything that ails us is Jesus Christ.
#MondayMeditationThe only answer to everything that ails us is Jesus Christ. #MondayMeditation - Today is Monday, November 25, 2024, and God's wrath is still coming for those who continue to support the murder of innocent babies in the womb.
#MondayMeditationToday is Monday, November 25, 2024, and God's wrath is still coming for those who continue to support the murder of innocent babies in the womb. #MondayMeditation -
- The most basic of civil rights is the right to be born.
#MondayMeditationThe most basic of civil rights is the right to be born. #MondayMeditation
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