Please check out Volume 1 of my Life Reflections Series, "Life Reflections From A Regular Gal" available through Amazon.
Here is a sample:
-Encouraging others in your time of pain will ease it.
The difficulties will not go away but showing kindness to other people will give you the strength to endure. Life Reflections From A Regular Gal eBook : Temple, Amy : Kindle Store
Please check out the newly released Volume 2 of my Life Reflections Series available through Amazon.
Here is a sample:
-You are not who anyone says you are.
You are who God says you are.
Believe that and let everything else go.
Life Reflections Volume 2 - Kindle edition by Temple, Amy . Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Life Reflections Volume 2.
NO CRIMINAL INDICTMENTS: Florida Grand Jury Finds No Evidence of Criminal Activity by COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers
A Florida grand jury has found no criminal evidence against COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers, but their report highlights significant regulatory failures. Discover the implications of this controversial decision.