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John MaGaw, Director of the BATF, implies that FBI started Mt Carmel fire.
https://elizabeththepunisherdove.substack.com/p/wormscan-wacotxt?publication_id=1149100&post_id=152386512&isFreemail=true&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=trueWORMSCAN: WACO.TXT John MaGaw, Director of the BATF, implies that FBI started Mt Carmel fire. https://elizabeththepunisherdove.substack.com/p/wormscan-wacotxt?publication_id=1149100&post_id=152386512&isFreemail=true&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=trueELIZABETHTHEPUNISHERDOVE.SUBSTACK.COMWORMSCAN: WACO.TXTJohn MaGaw, Director of the BATF, implies that FBI started Mt Carmel fire.0 Comments 0 Shares 1734 Views - A LOT OF DIRTY MONEY
Columbian money laundering.
https://elizabeththepunisherdove.substack.com/p/wormscan-laundry?publication_id=1149100&post_id=152387065&isFreemail=true&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=trueA LOT OF DIRTY MONEY WORMSCAN WORMSCAN: LAUNDRY$ Columbian money laundering. https://elizabeththepunisherdove.substack.com/p/wormscan-laundry?publication_id=1149100&post_id=152387065&isFreemail=true&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=trueELIZABETHTHEPUNISHERDOVE.SUBSTACK.COMWORMSCAN: LAUNDRY$Columbian money laundering.0 Comments 0 Shares 563 Views - Israel thank you for speaking the true and not sugar coating it. Makes you real!
Choose your drink
https://substack.com/home/post/p-153702034Israel thank you for speaking the true and not sugar coating it. Makes you real! Choose your drink https://substack.com/home/post/p-153702034SUBSTACK.COMHome | SubstackDiscover and discuss great writing with the world’s smartest readers on Substack.0 Comments 0 Shares 301 Views -
- I know they call it "big pharma" but we all should know by now who was the start of it....Rockefeller
Medical Freedom Attorney Drops Measles Vaccine Bombshell
They don't want you to know this.
https://vigilantfox.news/p/medical-freedom-attorney-drops-measles?publication_id=975571&post_id=153703396&isFreemail=false&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=trueI know they call it "big pharma" but we all should know by now who was the start of it....Rockefeller Medical Freedom Attorney Drops Measles Vaccine Bombshell They don't want you to know this. https://vigilantfox.news/p/medical-freedom-attorney-drops-measles?publication_id=975571&post_id=153703396&isFreemail=false&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=trueVIGILANTFOX.NEWSMedical Freedom Attorney Drops Measles Vaccine BombshellThey don't want you to know this. -
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