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- Do you remember taking field trips in school? I do. Field trips can be fun, and can be very educational. It is incumbent upon the field trip leader to insure that "education" is appropriate. Field TripsTo quote Dr. Seuss: “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”0 Comments 1 Shares 8 Views - "Sometimes it just is the guns. It's just the guns." Is it though? Really? Do guns just go out and commit crime on their own? What other inanimate implements are out on their own walking among us? We may never know. it’s just the gunsThe inimical insidiousness of internecine inanimate instruments0 Comments 1 Shares 20 Views - Many are discussing the VP candidates' responses in the debate last night, and even some of the fact checking. But have you ever considered the questions themselves?
OPEN.SUBSTACK.COMFawlty PremisesWas Basil Fawlty moderating the VP debate?0 Comments 1 Shares 20 Views - Often times, the way we think can impact the way we live, and while sometimes we pick apart words as a matter of semantics, looking at the definition of word properly can make all the difference.’s not a place we go; it’s not something we doIt’s who we are0 Comments 1 Shares 32 Views - Though Harris claims she can address our border issues, and is taking a photo op/trip to the border today, her history shows she has no desire to stem the tide of migrants entering the country: truth about the Border CzarLegal proof Harris wants open borders - How do you take a pompous, pretentious prat and turn her into a presidential hopeful? A media blitz saturated with spin, subterfuge, and lots of lies. to heroFrom America’s most despised to America’s sweetheart0 Comments 1 Shares 96 Views - Going back to the words of an old late night talk show host, a hired hit on a presidential candidate is one of those "things that make you go hmmm...." hit pieceThey're not as subtle as they think1 Comments 1 Shares 117 Views - As Christians, we need to realize we cannot *force* morality upon others. Telling a sinner not to sin is no different than telling a blind man to watch where he's going. where you’re going……he said to the blind man0 Comments 1 Shares 127 Views - Is Donald Trump the left's Emmanuel Goldstein? Perhaps you are Emmanuel Goldstein. Who is Emmanuel Goldstein? is Emmanuel Goldstein?Could it be you?0 Comments 1 Shares 123 Views - Seems fitting that I finished this piece on Constitution Day, since it goes to the heart of the Constitution. How well do you understand our Constitution?"In order to form a more perfect Union"More perfect than what?0 Comments 1 Shares 131 Views - We often seem to forget that the President is not a king, ruler or autocrat - he is an elected official who holds the highest rank in our military, who signs into law bills that are authored by Congress, and who is charged with enforcing those laws (which are supposed to be written to support Congress in fulfilling its responsibilities). We should keep this in mind when elections roll around, because "Commander in Chief" is a limited role: does that mean?0 Comments 1 Shares 145 Views - People and politicians propose various reasons for crime of all kinds. They blame guns for shootings, poverty for theft, and despair for drugs. These excuses point the finger at tools and symptoms, not root causes. It's time to look deeper.’s not the system that’s broken……it’s society0 Comments 1 Shares 149 Views - Just as anti-theft laws don’t stop people from stealing, jaywalking laws don’t stop people from jaywalking. They just lead to average people committing crimes through everyday activity. Laws don't stop criminals...they make criminals. don’t stop criminals……they make criminals - As humans, we tend to unnecessarily overcomplicate things. Doing so generally only works to our detriment. It's even worse when we do it with God's word. The gospel is simple; let's keep it that way. concept so simple……it seems foolish0 Comments 1 Shares 196 Views
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