God bless him! I hope he gets a job that is even better than the one he had. God has a way of taking what seemed bad and making the new even better!
It takes character to take a stand when it affects your livelihood.

God bless him! I hope he gets a job that is even better than the one he had. God has a way of taking what seemed bad and making the new even better! It takes character to take a stand when it affects your livelihood. https://americanfaith.com/high-school-coach-resigns-after-biden-admin-enforces-schools-to-allow-transgender-athletes/?email=happybears1891%40reagan.com&utm_source=carrier-crow&utm_medium=email&utm_id=fOswhkuUOB
High School Coach Resigns After Biden Admin. Enforces Schools to Allow Transgender Athletes - American Faith
A high school tennis coach has resigned after the Biden administration introduced new rules that force schools nationwide to allow biological boys to play in girl leagues.
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