8 Signs That Demonstrate How Truly Bizarre Our Society Is Becoming' We’re not in the America that we grew up in anymore. Instead, 'we now live in a country that appears to be a cross between a really bad science fiction movie and a freak show'.

8 Signs That Demonstrate How Truly Bizarre Our Society Is Becoming' We’re not in the America that we grew up in anymore. Instead, 'we now live in a country that appears to be a cross between a really bad science fiction movie and a freak show'. https://themostimportantnews.com/archives/8-signs-that-demonstrate-how-truly-bizarre-our-society-is-becoming
8 Signs That Demonstrate How Truly Bizarre Our Society Is Becoming
In "The Wizard of Oz", at one point Dorothy tells her dog that she has "a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore". She had been dropped in a strange new world that was crazier than
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