John H. Bryan - Cop Training Seminar EXPOSED on VIDEO:

#StreetCopTraining #PoliceTraining #Malfeasance #Misconduct #Corruption #Discrimination #ExcessiveForce #Racism #RacialBias #Bias #Sexism #Denigration #Dehumanization #Interrogation #SmallTalk #TrafficStop #WrongfulArrest #EvidenceSuppression #CriminalAppeal #Appeal #FirstAmendment #FourthAmendment #DefundThePolice #CivilRights #CriminalJustice #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
John H. Bryan - Cop Training Seminar EXPOSED on VIDEO: #StreetCopTraining #PoliceTraining #Malfeasance #Misconduct #Corruption #Discrimination #ExcessiveForce #Racism #RacialBias #Bias #Sexism #Denigration #Dehumanization #Interrogation #SmallTalk #TrafficStop #WrongfulArrest #EvidenceSuppression #CriminalAppeal #Appeal #FirstAmendment #FourthAmendment #DefundThePolice #CivilRights #CriminalJustice #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
Cop Training Seminar EXPOSED on VIDEO | 1000's of Cops Nationwide Involved! - The Civil Rights Lawyer
The New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller recently published a scandalous report detailing private for-profit police training of 1000's of police officers from around the country that, among other things: promoted the use of unconstitutional policing tactics for motor vehicle stops; glorified violence and an excessively militaristic or “warrior” approach to policing; spoke disparagingly of the internal affairs process; promoted an “us vs. them” approach; and espoused views and tactics that would undermine almost a decade of police reform efforts in New Jersey, including those aimed at de-escalating civilian-police encounters; andwhich included over 100 discriminatory and harassing remarks by speakers and instructors, with repeated references to speakers’ genitalia, lewd gestures, and demeaning quips about women and minorities.
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