Judge Drops Charges Against Illegals Rioting at Border and Busting Through Fence – If They Were Conservatives They’d Get 10+ Years in Prison

Judge Drops Charges Against Illegals Rioting at Border and Busting Through Fence – If They Were Conservatives They’d Get 10+ Years in Prison https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/judge-drops-charges-against-illegals-rioting-border-busting/
Judge Drops Charges Against Illegals Rioting at Border and Busting Through Fence - If They Were Conservatives They Get 10+ Years in Prison | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
On March 21, 2024, hundreds of illegal aliens from Africa, Central America, Colombia, and Venezuela made a mad rush for the border in El Paso, Texas after they were pushed south of the concertina wire in the middle of the night by the National Guard.
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