Tired of Being Called 'Anti' Simply For Having an Opinion Counter to Someone Else: Have you ever noticed that the Left is ANTI everything wholesome and that they are hell-bent on making you accept it?

Tired of Being Called 'Anti' Simply For Having an Opinion Counter to Someone Else: Have you ever noticed that the Left is ANTI everything wholesome and that they are hell-bent on making you accept it? https://newswithviews.com/tied-of-being-called-anti-simply-for-having-an-opinion-counter-to-someone-else/
Tied of Being Called “Anti” Simply For Having an Opinion Counter to Someone Else
By Coach Dave Daubenmire May 16, 2024 Bully is defined as “a noisy, blustering overbearing fellow, more distinguished for insolence and empty menaces, than for courage, and disposed to provoke quarrels.” Have you ever noticed that the Left is ANTI everything wholesome and that they are hell-bent on making you
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