‘They Deserve to Know’: 3 Million Americans Exposed to High #Fluoride Levels, Study Finds https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/3-million-americans-exposed-high-fluoride-levels-seagraves-west-texas/
‘They Deserve to Know’: 3 Million Americans Exposed to High #Fluoride Levels, Study Finds https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/3-million-americans-exposed-high-fluoride-levels-seagraves-west-texas/
‘They Deserve to Know’: 3 Million Americans Exposed to High Fluoride Levels, Study Finds
Hundreds of communities have naturally elevated fluoride levels in tap water that may lower children's IQs, but residents receive little notification of potential risks. Scientists describe the evidence of harm as “robust” and “very compelling,” even at levels below EPA limits.
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