History’s Biggest #Genocidal Psyop: The Authoritarian Plot Behind #Lockdown Until #Vaccination https://thewashingtonstandard.com/historys-biggest-genocidal-psyop-the-authoritarian-plot-behind-lockdown-until-vaccination/
History’s Biggest #Genocidal Psyop: The Authoritarian Plot Behind #Lockdown Until #Vaccination https://thewashingtonstandard.com/historys-biggest-genocidal-psyop-the-authoritarian-plot-behind-lockdown-until-vaccination/
History's Biggest Genocidal Psyop: The Authoritarian Plot Behind Lockdown Until Vaccination - The Washington Standard
Over the past four years of the era of CONvid-1984, it has been amazing to many of us to watch and millions of people worldwide just submitted to authoritarians who demanded they wear masks, stay away from each other and even inject unsafe and uneffective deadly poisons into their bodies ...
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