Unanimous #SCOTUS Calls Foul On Government Efforts To Blacklist & Informally #Censor Disfavored #Political Groups Such As The #NRA - PDF Document Available - https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/on_the_front_lines/unanimous_supreme_court_calls_foul_on_government_efforts_to_blacklist_and_informally_censor_disfavored_political_groups_such_as_the_nra
Unanimous #SCOTUS Calls Foul On Government Efforts To Blacklist & Informally #Censor Disfavored #Political Groups Such As The #NRA - PDF Document Available - https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/on_the_front_lines/unanimous_supreme_court_calls_foul_on_government_efforts_to_blacklist_and_informally_censor_disfavored_political_groups_such_as_the_nra
Supreme Court Calls Foul on Government Efforts to Censor, Ostracize & Shun Politically Unpopular Viewpoints
In a unanimous ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a warning to government officials that the First Amendment prohibits them from indirectly censoring those with opposing, disfavored, or politically unpopular viewpoints by pressuring private parties to censor, ostracize, and shun them.
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