John H. Bryan - Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped:

#PoliceMisconduct #Malfeasance #TrafficStop #TerryFrisk #SearchAndSeizure #FourthAmendment #FieldSobrietyTest #Marijuana #WarOnDrugs #WrongfulArrest #FalseArrest #JusticeForJaden #ThrownToTheWolves #Music #CivilRights #CriminalJustice #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
John H. Bryan - Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped: #PoliceMisconduct #Malfeasance #TrafficStop #TerryFrisk #SearchAndSeizure #FourthAmendment #FieldSobrietyTest #Marijuana #WarOnDrugs #WrongfulArrest #FalseArrest #JusticeForJaden #ThrownToTheWolves #Music #CivilRights #CriminalJustice #ConstitutionalLaw #Law
Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped - The Civil Rights Lawyer
This 18 year old country music singer from Montana was pulled over for speeding by a state trooper who is looking for reasons to accuse him of driving intoxicated. Even though he blew a 0.0 showing he had no alcohol in his system, and even though he did all the stupid human tricks he was asked to do, and even though he was 100% polite and cooperative with the officer, he was still wrongfully arrested and charged. A blood test taken after the arrest showed what any rational police officers should have known: that the kid was completely sober. Yet this happened to him. He wrote a song about it.
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