Psalm 6:1-3
O LORD, rebuke me not in Thine anger, neither chasten me in Thy hot displeasure.
Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed.
My soul is also sore vexed: but Thou, O LORD, how long?

The commentator Matthew Henry says that David did what any child should do when he has a complaint: he went to his Father. He poured out his heart to God because of his physical affliction. He asked God for His mercy because his body was sick and probably in pain. He was the man after God's own heart, but he was still sick. He was the king, the one that God chose, but he was still sick. His soul was "sore vexed"....he was in a deep depression because of his sickness. The depression itself may have been more painful that the illness.

The psalmist asked the LORD, how long? How long would he endure this pain, both physical and mental? How long would this season of life last? Many believers can relate to the psalmist's plight. We have physical sickness that plague our bodies. We are sometimes burdened with the cares of this life. Couple physical illnesses with the things going on around us, and we often cry out to the LORD, HOW LONG???

Sometimes believers tend to think that just because they are believers that they should not experience any sickness or sadness. They think that becoming a Christian guarantees a life of ease. That is absolutely false, and if any preacher or teacher is leading you to believe that your life should be absent of problems and pain, they are not doctrinally correct, and you should stop listening to them immediately.
John 16:33 says, "...In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." These bodies that we live in will break down, our minds will be troubled, our hearts will be broken, family and friends will betray us, marriages will break up, children will suffer, and we will always deal with the effects of sin.

God knows. He cares. He understands. This life is filled with sickness, heartache, pain, sin, death and every other negative thing. The good thing about it is that this is not our home. One day, God is going to send Jesus back to take His people home to be with Him. We do not know when that time will be, but I think it is closer than we realize. Let that encourage your hearts! One day, we will no longer ask the LORD, "How long?"
Psalm 6:1-3 O LORD, rebuke me not in Thine anger, neither chasten me in Thy hot displeasure. Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed. My soul is also sore vexed: but Thou, O LORD, how long? The commentator Matthew Henry says that David did what any child should do when he has a complaint: he went to his Father. He poured out his heart to God because of his physical affliction. He asked God for His mercy because his body was sick and probably in pain. He was the man after God's own heart, but he was still sick. He was the king, the one that God chose, but he was still sick. His soul was "sore vexed"....he was in a deep depression because of his sickness. The depression itself may have been more painful that the illness. The psalmist asked the LORD, how long? How long would he endure this pain, both physical and mental? How long would this season of life last? Many believers can relate to the psalmist's plight. We have physical sickness that plague our bodies. We are sometimes burdened with the cares of this life. Couple physical illnesses with the things going on around us, and we often cry out to the LORD, HOW LONG??? Sometimes believers tend to think that just because they are believers that they should not experience any sickness or sadness. They think that becoming a Christian guarantees a life of ease. That is absolutely false, and if any preacher or teacher is leading you to believe that your life should be absent of problems and pain, they are not doctrinally correct, and you should stop listening to them immediately. John 16:33 says, "...In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." These bodies that we live in will break down, our minds will be troubled, our hearts will be broken, family and friends will betray us, marriages will break up, children will suffer, and we will always deal with the effects of sin. God knows. He cares. He understands. This life is filled with sickness, heartache, pain, sin, death and every other negative thing. The good thing about it is that this is not our home. One day, God is going to send Jesus back to take His people home to be with Him. We do not know when that time will be, but I think it is closer than we realize. Let that encourage your hearts! One day, we will no longer ask the LORD, "How long?"
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