This is what you should know about Tim Walz:

Under Gov. Tim Walz's watch, at least eight babies were born alive during botched abortions. All eight of them died. None of them received any care attempting to save their lives, and most of them didn't receive basic comfort care either. They were treated like garbage, and then thrown away.

We know this is true, because until 2023 Minnesota, despite not punishing the neglect of born-alive infants, at least required such failed abortions to be reported.

For Walz, it wasn't the dead babies that were a problem. It was the "reporting" part. So, Walz had the law changed to eliminate any reporting requirement for botched abortions, and make it so doctors and nurses were no longer required to provide care to born-alive infants.

Most Americans aren't as pro-life as I am. But most of them also dislike infanticide. Gov. Walz should be forced to explain why he supports it.
Walz’s history on born-alive abortions opens door for Trump, GOP to flip extremism argument
At least eight infants were born alive after botched abortions in Minnesota on Walz's watch, none was given life-saving care, reports show.
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