Optica - New camera offers ultrafast imaging at a fraction of the normal cost:


#OpticalDiffraction #DiffractionGate #UltrahighSpeedMapping #DRUM #DigitalMicromirrorDevice #DMD #CostEfficiency #Photography #Physics
Optica - New camera offers ultrafast imaging at a fraction of the normal cost: https://phys.org/news/2023-09-camera-ultrafast-imaging-fraction.html #OpticalDiffraction #DiffractionGate #UltrahighSpeedMapping #DRUM #DigitalMicromirrorDevice #DMD #CostEfficiency #Photography #Physics
New camera offers ultrafast imaging at a fraction of the normal cost
Capturing blur-free images of fast movements like falling water droplets or molecular interactions requires expensive ultrafast cameras that acquire millions of images per second. In a new paper, researchers report a camera that could offer a much less expensive way to achieve ultrafast imaging for a wide range of applications such as real-time monitoring of drug delivery or high-speed lidar systems for autonomous driving.
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