ELECTION FRAUD ALERT Quakertown, PA early voter line SHUT DOWN at 1:45pm! Same in Doylestown PA, Bucks County. ONLY HAPPENING IN REPUBLICAN AREAS. Only happening in areas where people are VOTING FOR TRUMP. Democrat Brown Shirt (aka a police officer) says the process is "slow and grueling," so they are refusing to let people vote. This is what's known as DISENFRANCHISING VOTERS. THIS IS ELECTION INTERFERENCE RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN! Guys, we KNEW they were gonna cheat when they decided to run a candidate who couldnt possibly win AGAINST TRUMP on her record. They cheated in 2020 and Americans got stuck with SENILE JOE for 4 years. Now theyre trying to CHEAT TRUMP OUT OF HIS MUCH DESERVED SECOND TERM AGAIN! Donald Trump is running on FIXING ALL THE THINGS JOE AND KAMALA BROKE. She's running on STOPPING HIM FROM DOING THAT. The only logical winner is DJT, but when has LOGIC ever stopped THE SWAMP from doing anything? GOD, save America, PLEASE!

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