Jimbo _66
14 October, 12:26
* FOX NEWS: GOP report claims Hunter Biden paid women linked to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’
* Underage women (young girls) sexually exploited _[context for future].
* NAT SEC concerns re: blackmail [gain control] of J. Biden by Russia, China and/or other foreign [or domestic] entities?
* Why was POTUS framed re: Russia collusion? Protect truth re: Hillary/DNC Russia collusion?
* Why was POTUS impeached re: Ukraine? Protect truth re: Biden/[CLAS 1-99] Ukraine collusion?
* Blame 'opponent' for what they themselves are guilty of?
* Do you get it yet? They are afraid of you [reach][uncontrolled][anti-narrative][free-thought]
* Without you, collectively, there would have been no way to bypass their control.
* You are what matters most. You awake, thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.
A FRIEND FROM ANONUP Jimbo _66 @Jimbo0566 14 October, 12:26 COMING UP: * FOX NEWS: GOP report claims Hunter Biden paid women linked to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’ * Underage women (young girls) sexually exploited _[context for future]. * NAT SEC concerns re: blackmail [gain control] of J. Biden by Russia, China and/or other foreign [or domestic] entities? * Why was POTUS framed re: Russia collusion? Protect truth re: Hillary/DNC Russia collusion? * Why was POTUS impeached re: Ukraine? Protect truth re: Biden/[CLAS 1-99] Ukraine collusion? * Blame 'opponent' for what they themselves are guilty of? * Do you get it yet? They are afraid of you [reach][uncontrolled][anti-narrative][free-thought] * Without you, collectively, there would have been no way to bypass their control. * You are what matters most. You awake, thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear. * WELCOME TO THE DIGITAL BATTLEFIELD. WWG1WGA!!!
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