• #WhiteHouse Press Secretary #KarineJeanPierre Claims #Inflation is Low - Video - https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-the-queen-of-gaslighting-karine-jean-pierre-claims-inflation-is-low/
    #WhiteHouse Press Secretary #KarineJeanPierre Claims #Inflation is Low - Video - https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-the-queen-of-gaslighting-karine-jean-pierre-claims-inflation-is-low/
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 643 Views
  • Al Jazeera - A brief history of the traffic light and why we need a new colour:


    #TrafficSignal #TrafficLight #TrafficSafety #Throughput #Efficiency #ParliamentSquare #London #WilliamPott #Detroit #GasLight #GarrettMorgan #ElectricLight #SemaphoreSignalling #Semaphore #History #TransportationEngineering #Engineering #Transportation
    Al Jazeera - A brief history of the traffic light and why we need a new colour: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/25/the-history-of-traffic-lights-and-why-we-need-the-colour-white #TrafficSignal #TrafficLight #TrafficSafety #Throughput #Efficiency #ParliamentSquare #London #WilliamPott #Detroit #GasLight #GarrettMorgan #ElectricLight #SemaphoreSignalling #Semaphore #History #TransportationEngineering #Engineering #Transportation
    A brief history of the traffic light and why we need a new colour
    The design has barely changed in 100 years but, now, self-drive vehicles may need a fourth colour.
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  • Republicans will KNOW it is not a lie, while Democrats will believe any lie.

    Republicans will KNOW it is not a lie, while Democrats will believe any lie. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/gavin-newsom-tries-gaslight-public-suggesting-inflation-is/
    Gavin Newsom Tries to Gaslight the Public – Suggests Inflation is a Conservative Lie
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2212 Views
  • END TIMES PROPHECY OF ZECHARIAH 14:2 SECRETLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT: Biden Backdoors Israel In The U.N., Rescinding Trump’s Recognition Of Sovereignty Over The Golan

    In a move from the Obama playbook, the U.S. is advancing a stealth agenda in the Middle East at the expense of its allies

    Nowhere is the split between formal U.S. policy and the stealth agendas being implemented by U.S. policymakers more glaring and toxic than in the Middle East. This is true because the core of U.S. Middle East policy is the de facto alliance with Iran promoted by the Obama administration and enshrined in the JCPOA. Obama’s revisionist approach to Iran has in essence left the U.S. with two Mideast policies—one enshrined in our alliances and understandings with historic U.S. allies, and the other centered on dumping our commitments to our allies in order to appease Iran. Only one of these is truly U.S. regional policy, of course—the policy that seeks to establish Iran as the center of a new Middle East. As a result, American commitments now serve to gaslight our allies into going along by encouraging them to imagine that, sooner or later, things will go back to normal. The focus of the split in U.S. policy and of gaslighting our allies is the Lebanese pseudo state run by Hezbollah, the terror army controlled by Iran. By dealing with “Lebanon,” the U.S. can help forward the objectives of its Iranian partner without ever dealing directly with Iran—and thereby can continue gaslighting its allies to the extent that they would prefer to believe that the U.S. is still their partner. The latest act in the Biden administration’s Middle Eastern Kabuki theater is the use of Lebanon to rescind America’s recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights…

    END TIMES PROPHECY OF ZECHARIAH 14:2 SECRETLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT: Biden Backdoors Israel In The U.N., Rescinding Trump’s Recognition Of Sovereignty Over The Golan In a move from the Obama playbook, the U.S. is advancing a stealth agenda in the Middle East at the expense of its allies Nowhere is the split between formal U.S. policy and the stealth agendas being implemented by U.S. policymakers more glaring and toxic than in the Middle East. This is true because the core of U.S. Middle East policy is the de facto alliance with Iran promoted by the Obama administration and enshrined in the JCPOA. Obama’s revisionist approach to Iran has in essence left the U.S. with two Mideast policies—one enshrined in our alliances and understandings with historic U.S. allies, and the other centered on dumping our commitments to our allies in order to appease Iran. Only one of these is truly U.S. regional policy, of course—the policy that seeks to establish Iran as the center of a new Middle East. As a result, American commitments now serve to gaslight our allies into going along by encouraging them to imagine that, sooner or later, things will go back to normal. The focus of the split in U.S. policy and of gaslighting our allies is the Lebanese pseudo state run by Hezbollah, the terror army controlled by Iran. By dealing with “Lebanon,” the U.S. can help forward the objectives of its Iranian partner without ever dealing directly with Iran—and thereby can continue gaslighting its allies to the extent that they would prefer to believe that the U.S. is still their partner. The latest act in the Biden administration’s Middle Eastern Kabuki theater is the use of Lebanon to rescind America’s recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights… https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/biden-back-doors-israel
    Biden Backdoors Israel in the U.N., Rescinding Trump’s Recognition of Sovereignty over the Golan
    In a move from the Obama playbook, the U.S. is advancing a stealth agenda in the Middle East at the expense of its allies
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 5842 Views
  • Louis Rossmann - Philips changes terms AFTER the sale: requires data-sharing account to use a light bulb:


    #PhilipsHue #SmartLighting #SmartDevice #IoT #LightBulb #DataCollection #Privacy #FalseAdvertising #TermsOfService #Security #Buzzword #Gaslighting #Marketing
    Louis Rossmann - Philips changes terms AFTER the sale: requires data-sharing account to use a light bulb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR2j-r3pmng #PhilipsHue #SmartLighting #SmartDevice #IoT #LightBulb #DataCollection #Privacy #FalseAdvertising #TermsOfService #Security #Buzzword #Gaslighting #Marketing
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 10035 Views