• #Health #UnitedKingdom
    Nurses Sue #UK’s NHS After Being Forced to Change in Front of #Transgender Male https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/nurses-sue-uks-nhs-after-being-forced-to-change-in-front-of-transgender-male
    #Health #UnitedKingdom Nurses Sue #UK’s NHS After Being Forced to Change in Front of #Transgender Male https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/nurses-sue-uks-nhs-after-being-forced-to-change-in-front-of-transgender-male
    Nurses sue UK’s NHS after being forced to change in front of ‘transgender’ male - LifeSite
    NHS hospital chiefs told nurses they needed to get ‘educated’ after they complained about having to change in front of a ‘transgender’ man who stared at them while they undressed. Now the nurses are suing.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 727 Ansichten
  • Yes...we all know this...especially how well PAID they are...especially with the "Covid" crap. If you don't know by now...DIG...it won't take much..Very interesting information.
    Hospital Escape Nightmare - Are Doctors Actually Murdering Patients?
    It sounds good in theory, but it's led to doctors and nurses becoming 'killing machines' - forced to follow protocol and unable to use clinical acumen with patients. This horrific hospital story is a case in point, he was literally murdered after trying to escape four times.

    Yes...we all know this...especially how well PAID they are...especially with the "Covid" crap. If you don't know by now...DIG...it won't take much..Very interesting information. Hospital Escape Nightmare - Are Doctors Actually Murdering Patients? It sounds good in theory, but it's led to doctors and nurses becoming 'killing machines' - forced to follow protocol and unable to use clinical acumen with patients. This horrific hospital story is a case in point, he was literally murdered after trying to escape four times. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/06/22/medical-democide.aspx?ui=c0a0861fba6f7c24c8b822e8bf52b849cba61e86a54624fbd0a5ee5f4371f2bf&sd=20240220&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20240622_HL2&foDate=false&mid=DM1591007&rid=54327775
    Unveiling the Medical Democide in the UK
    The film 'Playing God: An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK' examines the allegations of harmful medical practices and policies in the country.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 818 Ansichten
  • What The #Nurses Saw: An Investigation into Systemic #Medical #Murders That Took Place In #Hospitals During The #COVID Panic & The Nurses Who Fought Back To Save Their Patients https://thewashingtonstandard.com/what-the-nurses-saw-an-investigation-into-systemic-medical-murders-that-took-place-in-hospitals-during-the-covid-panic-the-nurses-who-fought-back-to-save-their-patients/
    What The #Nurses Saw: An Investigation into Systemic #Medical #Murders That Took Place In #Hospitals During The #COVID Panic & The Nurses Who Fought Back To Save Their Patients https://thewashingtonstandard.com/what-the-nurses-saw-an-investigation-into-systemic-medical-murders-that-took-place-in-hospitals-during-the-covid-panic-the-nurses-who-fought-back-to-save-their-patients/
    What The Nurses Saw: An Investigation into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place In Hospitals During The COVID Panic & The Nurses Who Fought Back To Save Their Patients - The Washington Standard
    I was intrigued by a book entitled “What The Nurses Saw“ and decided to read it and possibly review it. It took me longer to finish the book than I anticipated, and the reason was I could not believe what I was reading. Anger would be an understatement. Were we actually pawns ...
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1978 Ansichten
  • This was posted by a nurse on GAB in September 2021:

    I just left my job of 24 yrs from the largest healthcare company HQ'd in Nashville. I have been a nurse for 24 years. I can tell you first hand that there definitely IS a medical conspiracy going on. The nurses and doctors are working hard. They are doing what they have been taught to do in most cases. We all trusted the CDC. We trusted the FDA. We trusted that all clinicians were like us, wanting to actually help and cure people. I have learned just how false that is. What you don't understand is that the frontline clinicians who are doing their best, have come to trust leaders that are currently misleading them. The recommendations and protocols come down from corporate, who are following the CDC guidelines. I watched frequent presentations of obviously manipulated data. I listened to constant urging to convince everyone to get this safe and effective vaccine! What I never saw or heard was the truth. No public health officials wanted to discuss VAERS data (vaccine adverse events reporting). No one wanted to discuss unreliable or changing cycle thresholds for the PCR test (false positives/false negatives) No one wanted to acknowledge data from across the world that suggested Ivermectin as a successful treatment. No one wanted to have to admit that the most vaccinated country on the planet, Israel, is now the most infected! No one wanted to talk about the change in guidance for cause of death, for who was counted as a "hospitalized COVID patient". There is a script, one narrative. Everything else is ignored, censored or excused. Doctors and nurses on the frontlines do not know these facts because after a 13 hour shift in the thick of it, who wants to hear anything else about it. They know what the hospital administration tells them, and that's only what is passed down from corporate. They are told to give Remdesivir. That drug killed so many people in a trial for ebola that it couldn't finish the trial. It causes renal failure and multi system organ failure, you know, the things that the most severe COVID patients seem to die from. This just happened to a friend of mine. I told them not to take him to this certain hospital chain because of this protocol. They took him anyway. He didn't last 48 hours. As this scenario is witnessed over and over again, it terrifies the nurses. They are told all this death and devastation is from COVID, that's the disease process. No one questions the drug. After all, occasionally it works. It is so much worse than you can comprehend. No one has been given informed consent with these vaccines because all the data has not even been collected and many of the most severe of reported side effects are not listed on the package inserts. I've read them all. I'm so disappointed in my career field that I have spent most of my life very passionately living in.
    This was posted by a nurse on GAB in September 2021: I just left my job of 24 yrs from the largest healthcare company HQ'd in Nashville. I have been a nurse for 24 years. I can tell you first hand that there definitely IS a medical conspiracy going on. The nurses and doctors are working hard. They are doing what they have been taught to do in most cases. We all trusted the CDC. We trusted the FDA. We trusted that all clinicians were like us, wanting to actually help and cure people. I have learned just how false that is. What you don't understand is that the frontline clinicians who are doing their best, have come to trust leaders that are currently misleading them. The recommendations and protocols come down from corporate, who are following the CDC guidelines. I watched frequent presentations of obviously manipulated data. I listened to constant urging to convince everyone to get this safe and effective vaccine! What I never saw or heard was the truth. No public health officials wanted to discuss VAERS data (vaccine adverse events reporting). No one wanted to discuss unreliable or changing cycle thresholds for the PCR test (false positives/false negatives) No one wanted to acknowledge data from across the world that suggested Ivermectin as a successful treatment. No one wanted to have to admit that the most vaccinated country on the planet, Israel, is now the most infected! No one wanted to talk about the change in guidance for cause of death, for who was counted as a "hospitalized COVID patient". There is a script, one narrative. Everything else is ignored, censored or excused. Doctors and nurses on the frontlines do not know these facts because after a 13 hour shift in the thick of it, who wants to hear anything else about it. They know what the hospital administration tells them, and that's only what is passed down from corporate. They are told to give Remdesivir. That drug killed so many people in a trial for ebola that it couldn't finish the trial. It causes renal failure and multi system organ failure, you know, the things that the most severe COVID patients seem to die from. This just happened to a friend of mine. I told them not to take him to this certain hospital chain because of this protocol. They took him anyway. He didn't last 48 hours. As this scenario is witnessed over and over again, it terrifies the nurses. They are told all this death and devastation is from COVID, that's the disease process. No one questions the drug. After all, occasionally it works. It is so much worse than you can comprehend. No one has been given informed consent with these vaccines because all the data has not even been collected and many of the most severe of reported side effects are not listed on the package inserts. I've read them all. I'm so disappointed in my career field that I have spent most of my life very passionately living in.
    3 Kommentare 0 Anteile 9822 Ansichten
  • https://mithel.substack.com/p/what-the-nurses-saw
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 721 Ansichten
  • Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives
    On April 1, 2020, this nurse claimed she was being sent to Central Park COVID-19 Quarantine to assist thousands of children who were being saved in from an underground tunnel in Central Park N.Y.

    Images began leaking of nurses with baby supplies at the Quarantine. It’s crazy how I was attacked for posting this in May last year.
    Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives @dom_lucre On April 1, 2020, this nurse claimed she was being sent to Central Park COVID-19 Quarantine to assist thousands of children who were being saved in from an underground tunnel in Central Park N.Y. Images began leaking of nurses with baby supplies at the Quarantine. It’s crazy how I was attacked for posting this in May last year. https://twitter.com/dom_lucre/status/1745119642916434003
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1912 Ansichten
  • Behind The Biggest Nursing Exodus In 40 Years: A 40-year record high of 100,000 nurses left their jobs in 2021, according to a study published in Health Affairs Forefront in April 2022. The vaccine mandate 'was the straw that broke the camel’s back,'

    Behind The Biggest Nursing Exodus In 40 Years: A 40-year record high of 100,000 nurses left their jobs in 2021, according to a study published in Health Affairs Forefront in April 2022. The vaccine mandate 'was the straw that broke the camel’s back,' https://www.zerohedge.com/political/behind-biggest-nursing-exodus-40-years
    Behind The Biggest Nursing Exodus In 40 Years
    "They were being told they had to be vaccinated or they would lose their job..."
    0 Kommentare 2 Anteile 3027 Ansichten
  • One principal sent this letter to every teacher he hired:

    "Dear teacher! I have lived through a concentration camp, my eyes have seen what no man should see:

    - How scientific engineers build gas chambers;
    - how trained doctors poisoned children;
    - trained nurses killing babies;
    - how college graduates shoot and burn children and women...

    That is why I do not trust the educated.

    I ask you: Help students become human beings. Your efforts must never lead to learned monsters, trained psychopaths, educated Eichmanns.

    Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only when they help our children become more human.

    Join us now: Before Our Time

    -Author Unknown
    One principal sent this letter to every teacher he hired: "Dear teacher! I have lived through a concentration camp, my eyes have seen what no man should see: - How scientific engineers build gas chambers; - how trained doctors poisoned children; - trained nurses killing babies; - how college graduates shoot and burn children and women... That is why I do not trust the educated. I ask you: Help students become human beings. Your efforts must never lead to learned monsters, trained psychopaths, educated Eichmanns. Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only when they help our children become more human. Join us now: Before Our Time -Author Unknown
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3365 Ansichten

  • Canadian nurse faces fourth disciplinary hearing for comments opposing transgenderism
    'The colleges of nurses, colleges of doctors, colleges of psychologists, law societies, and other regulators need to stop policing speech and stop abusing their authority,' said lawyer John Carpay.


    Canadian nurse faces fourth disciplinary hearing for comments opposing transgenderism 'The colleges of nurses, colleges of doctors, colleges of psychologists, law societies, and other regulators need to stop policing speech and stop abusing their authority,' said lawyer John Carpay. BIOLOGY ISN'T HATE!! https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/canadian-nurse-faces-fourth-disciplinary-hearing-for-comments-opposing-transgenderism/?utm_source=most_recent&utm_campaign=usa
    Canadian nurse faces fourth disciplinary hearing for comments opposing transgenderism - LifeSite
    'The colleges of nurses, colleges of doctors, colleges of psychologists, law societies and other regulators need to stop policing speech and stop abusing their authority,' said lawyer John Carpay.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3508 Ansichten