• I don't believe for a millisecond that no one knew what was going on with this man. At the very least, they should have not allowed him to continue in the pulpit after finding out that he was in an adulterous relationship.
    This particular elder may not have known the whole story, but he was used as a pawn to speak to the church. He is the father of 6 daughters, so they put him up to prove how "sensitive" they are to the most vulnerable. The fact that this church has grown to this size proves that is a lie, bc no way would this church have grown if people knew that the pastor was a pedophile.
    Also, the victim put out a statement through her lawyer that said she contacted the church on several occasions. They not only ignored her, they denied her requests and offered her peanuts if she would sign an NDA.
    His entire ministry career needs to be investigated, bc I am certain there are other victims. I hope they come forward and I pray that God will heal them from what this monster did.
    Robert Morris is DISQUALIFIED from ministry. Period.
    (By the way, if you are on twitter, you should give @Kdubtru a follow. He is a solid brother who spends time breaking down these sermons, and sometimes he is even funny while doing it. I hope you will watch this video all the way to the end. And don't forget, I believe that we will soon find out how Tony Evans is connected to this. )
    I don't believe for a millisecond that no one knew what was going on with this man. At the very least, they should have not allowed him to continue in the pulpit after finding out that he was in an adulterous relationship. This particular elder may not have known the whole story, but he was used as a pawn to speak to the church. He is the father of 6 daughters, so they put him up to prove how "sensitive" they are to the most vulnerable. The fact that this church has grown to this size proves that is a lie, bc no way would this church have grown if people knew that the pastor was a pedophile. Also, the victim put out a statement through her lawyer that said she contacted the church on several occasions. They not only ignored her, they denied her requests and offered her peanuts if she would sign an NDA. His entire ministry career needs to be investigated, bc I am certain there are other victims. I hope they come forward and I pray that God will heal them from what this monster did. Robert Morris is DISQUALIFIED from ministry. Period. 😡😡😡 (By the way, if you are on twitter, you should give @Kdubtru a follow. He is a solid brother who spends time breaking down these sermons, and sometimes he is even funny while doing it. I hope you will watch this video all the way to the end. And don't forget, I believe that we will soon find out how Tony Evans is connected to this. 🤔) https://youtu.be/eFFLBTPZiEo?si=aMby9ZblLu9MMzr0
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 4867 Просмотры
  • Study universal holiness of life. Your whole usefulness depends on this, for your sermons last but an hour or two: your life preaches all week. If satan can only make a covetous minister a lover of praise, pleasure, and good eating, he has ruined your ministry.
    ~Robert M'Cheyne
    Study universal holiness of life. Your whole usefulness depends on this, for your sermons last but an hour or two: your life preaches all week. If satan can only make a covetous minister a lover of praise, pleasure, and good eating, he has ruined your ministry. ~Robert M'Cheyne
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  • Phil Johnson
    Out of the Depths
    Phil Johnson Out of the Depths https://www.thegracelifepulpit.com/sermons.aspx?code=2024-02-18-PJ
    Out of the Depths (Phil Johnson)
    The GraceLife Pulpit is the online ministry of GraceLife, a fellowship group of Grace Community Church.
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  • Every person involved in church needs to read Tozer's sermons on worship: what it is and what it is NOT.
    Every person involved in church needs to read Tozer's sermons on worship: what it is and what it is NOT. https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/tozer-on-worship-and-entertainment_aw-tozer/34702530/#isbn=1600661033
    Tozer on Worship and Entertainment book by A.W. Tozer
    Buy a cheap copy of Tozer on Worship and Entertainment book by A.W. Tozer. We are saved to worship God. All that Christ has done for us in the past and all that He is diong now leads to this one end. -- A. W. TozerTozer had strong... Free Shipping on all orders over $15.
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  • While there is a break in the livestream of the Shepherds Conference 2024, I went back into the archives of Shepherds Conference 2023. My brother in Christ, Darrell Harrison, did an incredible teaching last year called "The Spiritual Deception of Wokeness".
    While there is a break in the livestream of the Shepherds Conference 2024, I went back into the archives of Shepherds Conference 2023. My brother in Christ, Darrell Harrison, did an incredible teaching last year called "The Spiritual Deception of Wokeness". https://www.gracechurch.org/sermons/20925
    The Spiritual Deception of Wokeness
    Darrell Harrison • Selected Scriptures • Shepherds Conference
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  • The first time I truly heard the Gospel preached and preached properly was while watching one of Jack Hibb’s sermons. The Lord used Jack’s sermon, along with videos of Ray Comfort giving the gospel and putting people to the test of God’s moral law, to convict me of my sins. Since then, I have thirsted for the word of God, for sermons that stayed true to God’s word, that avoid the doctrine of man. I find this same love of God’s word in my Pastor here at home, who also teaches verse by verse.

    Pastor Jack Hibbs is one of the few pastors out there unafraid to teach the entire Bible, to teach verse by verse, to take his congregation into prophecy, to take on the demonic perverting of our society, governmental overreach, and to stand against the satanic evils that look to consume our children. In every sense of the word, Pastor Jack Hibbs is indwelled with the Holy Spirit, and is a faithful servant of the Lord. This may be Jack’s story, but it is most certainly God’s glory.
    The first time I truly heard the Gospel preached and preached properly was while watching one of Jack Hibb’s sermons. The Lord used Jack’s sermon, along with videos of Ray Comfort giving the gospel and putting people to the test of God’s moral law, to convict me of my sins. Since then, I have thirsted for the word of God, for sermons that stayed true to God’s word, that avoid the doctrine of man. I find this same love of God’s word in my Pastor here at home, who also teaches verse by verse. Pastor Jack Hibbs is one of the few pastors out there unafraid to teach the entire Bible, to teach verse by verse, to take his congregation into prophecy, to take on the demonic perverting of our society, governmental overreach, and to stand against the satanic evils that look to consume our children. In every sense of the word, Pastor Jack Hibbs is indwelled with the Holy Spirit, and is a faithful servant of the Lord. This may be Jack’s story, but it is most certainly God’s glory.
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  • https://www.intouch.org/watch/sermons/beyond-ourselves
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  • https://www.intouch.org/watch/sermons/when-we-are-fearful
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  • Pastor Bob Silling here. Just want folks to know that l am available to speak at your church’s services or events. Also available for evangelistic outreaches outside of your church building. EG: Tent meetings, street or park outreaches, open air meetings. Contact me here or at bobsilling@gmail.com or (540)383-5861. There are videos here of my sermons.
    Pastor Bob Silling here. Just want folks to know that l am available to speak at your church’s services or events. Also available for evangelistic outreaches outside of your church building. EG: Tent meetings, street or park outreaches, open air meetings. Contact me here or at bobsilling@gmail.com or (540)383-5861. There are videos here of my sermons.
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  • Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God's Word. They love the wheat, but they do not grind it...
    ~Charles Spurgeon
    Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God's Word. They love the wheat, but they do not grind it... ~Charles Spurgeon
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  • If you did not have the opportunity to hear this message at Shepherds Conference, I hope you will carve out some time in the very near future to listen to my brother in Christ, Darrell Harrison, break down the subject of "wokeness". I haven't heard a better explanation to this day...
    If you did not have the opportunity to hear this message at Shepherds Conference, I hope you will carve out some time in the very near future to listen to my brother in Christ, Darrell Harrison, break down the subject of "wokeness". I haven't heard a better explanation to this day... https://www.gracechurch.org/sermons/20925
    The Spiritual Deception of Wokeness
    Darrell Harrison • Selected Scriptures • Shepherds Conference
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