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  • This is a "RALLY?" Really??
    This is a "RALLY?" Really??
    Face Palm
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  • So, I have been using Google Meet to schedule my bible study sessions with others. Last update, it added "Holidays" to my calendar, including sodomite, lesbian, cross-dress-and trans kickoff day as a holiday on June 1st. How sick is this $hit? Great, a whole month of celebrating an abomination before our Holy God (LEV 20:13). My ex-employer openly celebrated this $hit which is why I resigned early this month from my well-paying job; which I enjoyed and was very effective at delivering products and services.

    America is doomed - this is just one of many reasons.
    So, I have been using Google Meet to schedule my bible study sessions with others. Last update, it added "Holidays" to my calendar, including sodomite, lesbian, cross-dress-and trans kickoff day as a holiday on June 1st. How sick is this $hit? Great, a whole month of celebrating an abomination before our Holy God (LEV 20:13). My ex-employer openly celebrated this $hit which is why I resigned early this month from my well-paying job; which I enjoyed and was very effective at delivering products and services. America is doomed - this is just one of many reasons.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 2391 Views
  • AI is such s poor joke - on all of us. Wanted to search on the distance between Portage, IN and Burton, MI. Not ONE site could figure it out (they all had disclaimers to double check results as the results are AI-generated). How pathetic - and we all take this abuse. I got results from Flint, MI to Portage, MI, Lansing to Portage, MI - everything but what I asked for. Prepare for a whole lot of stupid coming our way - and don't believe anything.
    AI is such s poor joke - on all of us. Wanted to search on the distance between Portage, IN and Burton, MI. Not ONE site could figure it out (they all had disclaimers to double check results as the results are AI-generated). How pathetic - and we all take this abuse. I got results from Flint, MI to Portage, MI, Lansing to Portage, MI - everything but what I asked for. Prepare for a whole lot of stupid coming our way - and don't believe anything.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1173 Views
  • Haha
    0 Comments 0 Shares 540 Views
  • I hope everyone is outraged by this, and we must push back. The current, geopolitical, secular state of Israel is not the Israelites of the Old testament. They just passed a law that would imprison people for up to a year for speaking of Christ; 2 years if the audience is 18 years old or less.
    The secular state of Israel is not our friend. The US House of representatives just PASSED a bill against antisemitism (which no one would take umbrage with) - however, provisions in that bill would potentially declare the New Testament as hate speech and outlaw it in the US, with criminal penalty. We MUST push back against what has become a tyrannical US government that has forgotten its roots.
    See the video / details on
    Blessings, friends.
    I hope everyone is outraged by this, and we must push back. The current, geopolitical, secular state of Israel is not the Israelites of the Old testament. They just passed a law that would imprison people for up to a year for speaking of Christ; 2 years if the audience is 18 years old or less. The secular state of Israel is not our friend. The US House of representatives just PASSED a bill against antisemitism (which no one would take umbrage with) - however, provisions in that bill would potentially declare the New Testament as hate speech and outlaw it in the US, with criminal penalty. We MUST push back against what has become a tyrannical US government that has forgotten its roots. See the video / details on Blessings, friends.
    Home » Sons of Liberty Media
    Liberty Enlightens the World
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  • I am retiring tomorrow, from a company I once loved to be part of, that has now gone woke; from an industry I was for many years proud to support that is now become an instrument of evil - filthy lucre and genocide (Pharmaceutical, Biotech).

    Dear Lord, forgive me if my small part in building and delivering facilities for them has directly harmed others or damned me, though my efforts were not directly related to their recent evil products / actions.

    I was pleased, years ago, to deliver manufacturing facilities and capabilities to produce life-improving medications like insulin, and insulin supplemental therapies. Yet, it has all gone sour recently. I am done. Please forgive my ignorance and shortsightedness.
    I am retiring tomorrow, from a company I once loved to be part of, that has now gone woke; from an industry I was for many years proud to support that is now become an instrument of evil - filthy lucre and genocide (Pharmaceutical, Biotech). Dear Lord, forgive me if my small part in building and delivering facilities for them has directly harmed others or damned me, though my efforts were not directly related to their recent evil products / actions. I was pleased, years ago, to deliver manufacturing facilities and capabilities to produce life-improving medications like insulin, and insulin supplemental therapies. Yet, it has all gone sour recently. I am done. Please forgive my ignorance and shortsightedness.
    3 Comments 0 Shares 3929 Views
  • How the family goes, so goes the Church.
    How the Church goes, so goes the Country.
    ~Jim Harrison
    How the family goes, so goes the Church. How the Church goes, so goes the Country. ~Jim Harrison
    4 Comments 0 Shares 1219 Views
  • People are SO uninformed. The secular, Zionist state of Israel is not the old testament Israelites; and they are not our friends. They despise Christians, and recently passed a bill to imprison anyone who preaches or teaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The current war there is a land grab, as was the 6-day war in 1967. The attack on the USS Liberty, by Israel in that war (and our own government complicit in that attack) remains an outrage that has been covered up.
    People are SO uninformed. The secular, Zionist state of Israel is not the old testament Israelites; and they are not our friends. They despise Christians, and recently passed a bill to imprison anyone who preaches or teaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The current war there is a land grab, as was the 6-day war in 1967. The attack on the USS Liberty, by Israel in that war (and our own government complicit in that attack) remains an outrage that has been covered up.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2826 Views
  • Filthy Lucre. 1Peter 5:2, 1Timothy 6:10
    Filthy Lucre. 1Peter 5:2, 1Timothy 6:10
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  • Proverbs 19:9. “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.”
    Proverbs 19:9. “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1377 Views
  • Malachi 2:10. 10Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?
    Malachi 2:10. 10Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1040 Views
  • It is still many weeks away from Summer - and already I am weary of the drone of lawn mowers every fricking day. Apparently, my retired neighbor doesn't have anything better to do than cut his lawn - every day, over and over...
    It is still many weeks away from Summer - and already I am weary of the drone of lawn mowers every fricking day. Apparently, my retired neighbor doesn't have anything better to do than cut his lawn - every day, over and over...
    Face Palm
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  • A Godless society is a lawless society, ripe for anarchy and tyranny.
    A Godless society is a lawless society, ripe for anarchy and tyranny.
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  • Meditation for April 14, 2024 _ After Holy Week _ D. Franklin

    Communion Meditation for 14-APRIL-2024: After Holy Week.

    Good morning, Church Family! I hope each of you is well on this beautiful Sunday morning! Two weeks ago, we celebrated Resurrection Sunday; and Holy week has now passed for another year. The Robins Egg Easter candies are all gone; and Christ has risen! Amen? So, what happens next?

    Our communion meditation today addresses Jesus’ activities here on Earth following His Resurrection and through His Ascension to the Father, a period of approximately 30 days. In this one-part meditation series, we will review just a few of Jesus’ activities and sightings of Him. These witness accounts further support the argument that Jesus was undoubtedly resurrected from death and was seen publicly many times among the people following his resurrection.

    There are specific dates associated with some of these accounts. Note that these dates are from the Roman calendar which starts each new day at midnight; not the Hebrew calendar which starts each new day at sunset.

    1. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene. Sunday, April 9, 30 AD. Mark 16:9 - 11, John 20:11 – 18: Mary is the first person to whom Jesus chose to reveal himself alive after his resurrection. This occurred at his tomb early Sunday morning after God brought him back from the dead. Mary at first did not recognize Him, mistaking him for the gardener. Then she recognized Jesus, and He instructed her to go tell the other followers.

    2. The Road to Emmaus. Sunday, April 9, 30 AD. Luke 24:13 – 33:Jesus unexpectedly appeared to two followers while they are walking to Emmaus (Luke 24:13 - 33). They discussed the events of the week, and He then explained to them all the Biblical verses and prophesy pertaining to the Messiah. He mildly criticized them for not believing what the prophets foretold regarding His coming. They did not recognize Him until after he departed from them. One of the two is Cleopas, the other was likely his wife, Mary, though some accounts identify the second as the Apostle Simon.

    3. Appearance with His followers. Sunday, April 9 after sunset. John 20:19. This is the first time Jesus showed himself alive to his followers. Most of the disciples had been hiding behind closed doors since Jesus was arrested in fear of persecution by the Jews. The Apostle, Thomas, was not with the group at this meeting.

    4. Doubting Thomas
    Sunday, April 16 after sunset. John 20:26 – 29. This was the fourth time Jesus showed himself to humans to prove he has risen from the dead and the first time all those (except Judas) who ate Passover with him saw him as a group. In this passage of scripture, The Lord allowed Thomas to observe the wounds he received on the cross, for Thomas to overcome his doubt.

    5. Sea of Galilee, Jesus appears to 7 disciples that were fishing
    Between April 17 and May 17. John Chapter 21: 1 - 14. This is the account of the disciples fishing all night and catching nothing. From the shore, Jesus instructed them to cast the net on the other side of the boat, which yielded a net full of 153 fish.

    6. Jesus appears to a multitude Between April 17 and May 17
    In 1 Corinthians 15:6. The apostle Paul describes Jesus appearing to a crowd of more than 500 people at one time, then again meeting with his brother James.

    There are other additional events documented in scripture, including Christ’s Ascension to Heaven on May 18, witnessed by his disciples as described in Matthew 28:18 - 20. Shortly after this, the disciples receive the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, and begin preaching, healing and establishing Christian churches throughout the region.

    Jesus, in spiritual form, converts the Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus, who had persecuted Christians even to death, to the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus. Paul became man of great faith, as we know, establishing churches and writing half of the books of the New Testament.

    Holy week has passed for another year, but the work of our Risen Lord continues every day, every week of the year.

    Let us pray:
    Father God, master and creator of the universe, we thank you for the sacrifice of your son and the gift of your grace. We know we can never repay you for the sacrifice of your son, Jesus, or earn the forgiveness and salvation you have given to us. As we prepare to take communion in His honor, let us always bear in mind that the cup and bread represent His sacrifice that bore our sins away. We praise you and worship You, Father, on this Sunday and every day. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
    Meditation for April 14, 2024 _ After Holy Week _ D. Franklin Communion Meditation for 14-APRIL-2024: After Holy Week. Good morning, Church Family! I hope each of you is well on this beautiful Sunday morning! Two weeks ago, we celebrated Resurrection Sunday; and Holy week has now passed for another year. The Robins Egg Easter candies are all gone; and Christ has risen! Amen? So, what happens next? Our communion meditation today addresses Jesus’ activities here on Earth following His Resurrection and through His Ascension to the Father, a period of approximately 30 days. In this one-part meditation series, we will review just a few of Jesus’ activities and sightings of Him. These witness accounts further support the argument that Jesus was undoubtedly resurrected from death and was seen publicly many times among the people following his resurrection. There are specific dates associated with some of these accounts. Note that these dates are from the Roman calendar which starts each new day at midnight; not the Hebrew calendar which starts each new day at sunset. 1. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene. Sunday, April 9, 30 AD. Mark 16:9 - 11, John 20:11 – 18: Mary is the first person to whom Jesus chose to reveal himself alive after his resurrection. This occurred at his tomb early Sunday morning after God brought him back from the dead. Mary at first did not recognize Him, mistaking him for the gardener. Then she recognized Jesus, and He instructed her to go tell the other followers. 2. The Road to Emmaus. Sunday, April 9, 30 AD. Luke 24:13 – 33:Jesus unexpectedly appeared to two followers while they are walking to Emmaus (Luke 24:13 - 33). They discussed the events of the week, and He then explained to them all the Biblical verses and prophesy pertaining to the Messiah. He mildly criticized them for not believing what the prophets foretold regarding His coming. They did not recognize Him until after he departed from them. One of the two is Cleopas, the other was likely his wife, Mary, though some accounts identify the second as the Apostle Simon. 3. Appearance with His followers. Sunday, April 9 after sunset. John 20:19. This is the first time Jesus showed himself alive to his followers. Most of the disciples had been hiding behind closed doors since Jesus was arrested in fear of persecution by the Jews. The Apostle, Thomas, was not with the group at this meeting. 4. Doubting Thomas Sunday, April 16 after sunset. John 20:26 – 29. This was the fourth time Jesus showed himself to humans to prove he has risen from the dead and the first time all those (except Judas) who ate Passover with him saw him as a group. In this passage of scripture, The Lord allowed Thomas to observe the wounds he received on the cross, for Thomas to overcome his doubt. 5. Sea of Galilee, Jesus appears to 7 disciples that were fishing Between April 17 and May 17. John Chapter 21: 1 - 14. This is the account of the disciples fishing all night and catching nothing. From the shore, Jesus instructed them to cast the net on the other side of the boat, which yielded a net full of 153 fish. 6. Jesus appears to a multitude Between April 17 and May 17 In 1 Corinthians 15:6. The apostle Paul describes Jesus appearing to a crowd of more than 500 people at one time, then again meeting with his brother James. There are other additional events documented in scripture, including Christ’s Ascension to Heaven on May 18, witnessed by his disciples as described in Matthew 28:18 - 20. Shortly after this, the disciples receive the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, and begin preaching, healing and establishing Christian churches throughout the region. Jesus, in spiritual form, converts the Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus, who had persecuted Christians even to death, to the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus. Paul became man of great faith, as we know, establishing churches and writing half of the books of the New Testament. Holy week has passed for another year, but the work of our Risen Lord continues every day, every week of the year. Let us pray: Father God, master and creator of the universe, we thank you for the sacrifice of your son and the gift of your grace. We know we can never repay you for the sacrifice of your son, Jesus, or earn the forgiveness and salvation you have given to us. As we prepare to take communion in His honor, let us always bear in mind that the cup and bread represent His sacrifice that bore our sins away. We praise you and worship You, Father, on this Sunday and every day. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10060 Views
  • For food, for raiment, for life, for opportunity, for friendship and fellowship - we thank thee Oh Lord. Amen

    From my youth in Boy scouts - the 'Philmont Grace' we said before each meal when camping.

    My word, times have changed.
    For food, for raiment, for life, for opportunity, for friendship and fellowship - we thank thee Oh Lord. Amen From my youth in Boy scouts - the 'Philmont Grace' we said before each meal when camping. My word, times have changed.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1303 Views
  • 1 John 4:5. “They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.”
    1 John 4:5. “They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 770 Views
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