Romans 1:8

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, because your faith is being proclaimed throughout the whole world.

This single passage of scripture is so rich in meaning and theology and instruction for the believer.  Paul began this statement by thanking God.  Every believer has reason to be thankful to the LORD.  Our gratitude should always begin at the cross.  God took out His anger for our sins on His Son's body on the cross.  He took away the power of sin and death that controlled us at the cross.  He set our trajectory on a much different path at the cross.  That, in and of itself, is worth more gratitude than our finite humanness can exhibit.

Paul went on to say that he thanked God "...through Jesus Christ..."  As believers, everything that we do, or say, or think, should be vetted through our relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ.  Our speech should reflect the fact that we belong to Him (James 2:12), our thoughts should direct us to the LORD (2 Corinthians 10:5), and our actions should be pleasing to Him (Colossians 1:10). Nothing about the LORD is sinful, and our desire should be to reflect Him (Matthew 5:16).

Paul was thankful for all of his brothers and sisters in Christ. It's not likely that Paul personally knew every person to which he had preached in his career.  He probably did not have the opportunity to shake the hand of every man who was influenced by his teaching.  He likely did not greet every woman personally who learned from his exposition of scripture.  But he was thankful for every one of them and their contribution to the kingdom of God.  Each believer's walk affects someone else.  Each of us knows another person who is watching how we live, how we speak, how we behave....and they are either drawn to it or put off by it.  Paul was thankful for the believers, whose faith had been proclaimed around the world, so much so that it had even been reported back to him. He was happy to see believers affecting others, even if he did not know them.

Believer:  are you grateful to God for His saving grace?  Are you grateful for His sacrifice on the cross?  Are you thankful that He has given you freedom from the power and penalty of sin?  Are you glad to be headed to heaven?

Are you grateful for your brothers and sisters in Christ?  If there is no one in your church or community or circle of contact that has been a blessing to you, you may want to broaden your sphere.  Reach out to someone that you may not know that well, or attend a Bible study or church activity and get to know some people.  You never know who you will meet.  You may also have the opportunity to be a blessing to someone else.  If you have read this post to this point, I am thankful for you.