Isaiah 53:3

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.

Jesus was despised by His own people when He came to the world. He was rejected by those He came to save. He was called all kinds of names: blasphemer, demoniac, liar...even though He is the Way, the Truth and the Life! He was acquainted with grief in that He knew salvation was available, but there would be those who would reject it. People turned their faces from Him. They hated Him! They did not recognize Him as the Son of God. 

A few thousand years later, nothing has changed. Jesus is still despised by His own people and the world. He is still being rejected by those He came to save, even after the Gospel was opened up to people groups other than the Jews. He is still being belittled as a "good teacher", a "prophet", or a "good man". He is the Second Person of the Godhead! He still wants to see people saved and destined for heaven. He is the only Way to get there. 

If you are not in a relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ, don't let this moment pass without confessing your life of sin to Him, asking Him to forgive you and be LORD of your life. He will not turn you away if you come to Him in sincerity. He loves you so much that He DIED for you! Don't take that for granted. Your eternal life depends on it.  Romans 10:9-13