What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. Georgia?

I applaud this man who is testing elected officials and local LE about their understanding of the Constitution, that they ALL took an oath to uphold! And I despair for a country where officials in small towns in supposedly conservative Georgia don't apparently understand, appreciate, and protect our liberties as enshrined in the Constitution.

What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. Georgia? I applaud this man who is testing elected officials and local LE about their understanding of the Constitution, that they ALL took an oath to uphold! And I despair for a country where officials in small towns in supposedly conservative Georgia don't apparently understand, appreciate, and protect our liberties as enshrined in the Constitution. https://www.wnd.com/2023/11/city-censored-advocacy-veterans-apologizes-pays/
City that censored advocacy for veterans apologizes, pays up
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