We are embroiled in the Politics of Extremism where there is NO middle.
Only extremes on one side or the other.
Neither Bastiat nor any of the subsequent Communist/Socialists ever proposed a meaningful solution to the problem and subsequently, ALL forms of those Governments Failed.

While Capitalism in and of itself can be ruled by large monopolies and turn into a form of tyranny, Capitalism with some checks and balances seems to be the best form of Government so far.

However, Government in ANY form is antithetical to Freedom and Liberty.
That's why Franklin warned, "We have given you a Constitutional Republic. If you can keep it."
And Jefferson also warned that "Government not bound tightly by the chains of restraint imposed by the US Constitution will eventually become tyrannical and therefore, every measure to limit Governmental Power MUST be exercised by an involved people."

We dropped the ball and have no one to blame but ourselves.
We became complacent and lost interest in policing Government to be sure the chains that bind them remain secure and tightly bound.

And here we are.
We are embroiled in the Politics of Extremism where there is NO middle. Only extremes on one side or the other. Neither Bastiat nor any of the subsequent Communist/Socialists ever proposed a meaningful solution to the problem and subsequently, ALL forms of those Governments Failed. While Capitalism in and of itself can be ruled by large monopolies and turn into a form of tyranny, Capitalism with some checks and balances seems to be the best form of Government so far. However, Government in ANY form is antithetical to Freedom and Liberty. That's why Franklin warned, "We have given you a Constitutional Republic. If you can keep it." And Jefferson also warned that "Government not bound tightly by the chains of restraint imposed by the US Constitution will eventually become tyrannical and therefore, every measure to limit Governmental Power MUST be exercised by an involved people." We dropped the ball and have no one to blame but ourselves. We became complacent and lost interest in policing Government to be sure the chains that bind them remain secure and tightly bound. And here we are.
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