John H. Bryan - Cop SLAMS High School Girl at Traffic Stop:

#JusticeForVivian #SouthWhitley #TrafficStop #PoliceBrutality #PoliceMisconduct #Misconduct #Malfeasance #Lies #EvidenceSuppression #ExcessiveForce #WrongfulArrest #DefundThePolice #FourthAmendment #CivilRights #Law
John H. Bryan - Cop SLAMS High School Girl at Traffic Stop: #JusticeForVivian #SouthWhitley #TrafficStop #PoliceBrutality #PoliceMisconduct #Misconduct #Malfeasance #Lies #EvidenceSuppression #ExcessiveForce #WrongfulArrest #DefundThePolice #FourthAmendment #CivilRights #Law
Cop SLAMS High School Girl at Traffic Stop - Her DAD Shows Up! - The Civil Rights Lawyer
A police officer in South Whitley, Indiana pulled over an 18 year old high school girl for allegedly speeding, as well as for one of her headlights being out. Within minutes, he violently pulled her out of her car and slammed her onto the asphalt. He handcuffed her and put her in the rear of his police car. This was her first time ever being pulled over. The charge? She didn't provide her ID quickly enough. Her father showed up to the scene, and is now fighting for justice.
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