Steve Deace on Gab: 'This is for those in my feed/inbox concerned that…'
Steve Deace on Gab: 'This is for those in my feed/inbox concerned that if we push too hard, like Congressman Chip Roy putting forth a resolution in the House to call for invoking the 25th Amendment, it may politically backfire on us in the end. Because Democrats will then swap out Dementia Joe for a more electable candidate. The winner of this upcoming election won't be sworn in for another 205 days. Repeat: 205 days. A lot of literal Hell could break loose over the next 205 days, especially now that the whole world saw -- once and for all -- the President of the United States is clearly incapacitated and therefore cannot actually be running the country. Which means no one -- neither ourselves, allies, or enemies -- truly knows who is. This upcoming election is very important. But we need to get to that election, first. We simply cannot have someone who couldn't pass a corporate management competency hearing, be certified to become a foster parent, or even obtain a driver's license in possession of the nuclear codes. Full stop. Yes, all the signs have been there all along for those of us who have been paying attention, or are not idolatrously partisan Democrats. Even Biden's lunch hour recovery attempt in North Carolina yesterday, when he showed a stronger voice, still included the same death-stares off into the distance when he wasn't talking the nation saw in the side-by-sides at the debate. That is common with those cognitively afflicted, with escalating symptoms. As it also common they are at their strongest late morning-early afternoon, which is why they didn't do that event first thing in the morning to stem the tide against them, but had to wait till midday. And also why they're always calling lids for the feeble president by 3 p.m. Furthermore, in case you haven't been paying attention, there are fewer and fewer of us doing so these days. But at least 80 million watched this on their TV or device screens live, not even counting the viral clips tens of millions more saw later. Everyone has now seen what we have been seeing. It can no longer be ignored. This is why the same lying "media" who ran with "cheap fakes" and "right wing conspiracies" just a week ago, is now all-in that Biden must step aside. This has permeated into even "sports bro" subculture (as @DeaceOnline refers to it), with sports media people who rarely if ever address politics like Colin Cowherd discussing it. This has now transcended the memes, debates, trolls, commentary, and all things political junkies like us are daily mired in. It's in the water table now. DeSantis is correct, the Biden 2024 campaign has already ended -- either in August at the DNC convention or in November via the American people. But there are 205 days minimum until we can get Trump and his people in there. And a lot of bad can happen between now and then. "But Steve, Biden has already been president with escalating dementia all this time, what's another seven months to risk losing this election even you think is so important you're staunchly supporting Trump, despite some of your pointed criticisms of his presidency?" Fair question, but consider this, too. Now that it has become obvious Biden is toast -- and he will suffer an imminent polling implosion -- our enemies know they are on borrowed time as well. For example, Trump keeps saying if he were president Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. And points out Putin invaded under Obama and then Biden, but not under Trump. Fair point. However, if that is the case that also means Xi, Putin, Un, Ayatollah, etc. now realize the clock is ticking. The guy who drops MOABs and signs Abrahamic Accords is set to return. Which means now is the time to strike with more mischief and malevolence while the moment is available to reset the board. Without question, the American people and our interests are in more danger now than they were before that debate. We can all preliminarily celebrate an event 205 days away right now, until one morning we wake up and Pyongyang has gone October 7th against Seoul one of these days in between. And then stuff gets real, real quick. The kind of stuff that means you'll be lucky to even have elections to look forward to. We must put the country first. The president must be removed. He is incapacitated. That doesn't mean we completely ignore politics, which are ever-present in our cold civil war. For instance, wouldn't you like to see House Democrats get up there and because of Chip's resolution explain to the American people what did they know about Biden's mental state, and when did they know it? That's likely to have some political benefit!'
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