Hi friends! I just confirmed an event for The Rev. Bradlee Dean from Sons of Liberty to visit my town of Portage, IN on October 5, 2024. The event is scheduled at the following location / date /time: It would be AWESOME to see any of you there! There is no cost for this event, we will take a voluntary collection to cover travel and lodging costs for Bradlee and his crew.

Oakwood Grand Hall
(Woodland Park Recreation Area)
2100 Willowcreek Rd.
Portage, IN 46368
October 5th, 2024 6:00 pm

Sons of Liberty:

Blessings, friends!
Hi friends! I just confirmed an event for The Rev. Bradlee Dean from Sons of Liberty to visit my town of Portage, IN on October 5, 2024. The event is scheduled at the following location / date /time: It would be AWESOME to see any of you there! There is no cost for this event, we will take a voluntary collection to cover travel and lodging costs for Bradlee and his crew. Oakwood Grand Hall (Woodland Park Recreation Area) 2100 Willowcreek Rd. Portage, IN 46368 October 5th, 2024 6:00 pm Sons of Liberty: https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/ Blessings, friends!
The Sons of Liberty & Bradlee Dean » Sons of Liberty Media
“Those who mean to silence you, mean to rule over you.” The Sons of Liberty was an organization that was created in the Thirteen American Colonies. The Sons of Liberty was formed to protect the rights of the colonists as well as consistently fighting against tyranny both in America and abroad. In 1773 The Committees …
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