Steve Deace on Gab: 'From Pastor Josh Howerton: If Christians won't l…'
Steve Deace on Gab: 'From Pastor Josh Howerton: If Christians won't lead, Satan will be happy to. God established 3 institutions in the Bible: family, church, and State. Whatever God creates, Satan tries to capture. - Adam did not lead his family, so Satan did. - In Revelation 2/3, passive pastors allowed their churches to tolerate sin instead of leading them to repent of sin. As a result, they become a "synagogue of Satan." The pastors did not lead the church, so Satan did. - In a Constitutional Republic, the *voters* are the leaders of the nation, as elected leaders are "representatives of the people." In the same way a husband cannot abdicate his responsibility to lead his family, and a pastor cannot abdicate his responsibility to lead his church, Christian voters should not abdicate the spiritual leadership responsibility God has assigned them in a Constitutional Republic by not voting. ~40M Bible-believing Christians did not vote in the last Presidential election. That election was decided by a strategically-placed 42,000 votes. If godly people won't lead their nation by voting, godless people will.'
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