TrumpWarriors on Gab: 'bob@deprogrammingservices Edited This is illega…'
TrumpWarriors on Gab: 'bob@deprogrammingservices Edited This is illegal for a few reasons, the biggest one being that it is outright treason, and another one being that it violates the Posse Comitatus law. But the law doesn't matter when government is under the control of a criminal gang. It will matter what the law says if and when patriots again have control of America; it will matter a great deal then, when the traitors are brought before tribunals. But for now it doesn't matter; it only matters who has more power, the patriot, or the traitor. It is unlikely that the majority of the military will allow itself to be used as a tool of the tyrant. Hopefully at least whatever number of patriots remain in it will stand in defense of their country, and hopefully there are enough of them to at least neutralize the traitors. If you have any friends or relatives in the military, talk to them about this, and remind them of what their duty is. A massive patriot militia can tip the balance of power between those two groups well onto the patriot side. If only 3% of the 80 million Trump voters get organized in this way the militia will number nearly 2 1/2 million. This is a substantial force. A force like that can defend itself from attack by treasonous bureaucrats as well as defending the Republic. And if the other 97% assists this militia, with things like logistics, intelligence, organization, communication, financial aid, counter-propaganda, and so on, the force will be unstoppable, and can probably save the Republic and bring the traitors to justice without a shot even being fired. Standing against a growing tyranny carries risk. But not doing so is a much greater risk, as the history of communism makes all too clear.'