The Moon becomes a Super Beaver Moon on Friday evening, the fourth and final supermoon of 2024 that is joined by Uranus and Jupiter in the constellation Taurus. The full moon will eclipse the Pleiades cluster at the zenith on November 16th at approximately 0600 GMT. #SuperBeaverMoon #BeaverMoon #FrostyMoon #Supermoon2024 #Supermoon #Moon #Pleiades #NightSky #Zenith #Perigee #Astronomy
The Moon becomes a Super Beaver Moon on Friday evening, the fourth and final supermoon of 2024 that is joined by Uranus and Jupiter in the constellation Taurus. The full moon will eclipse the Pleiades cluster at the zenith on November 16th at approximately 0600 GMT. #SuperBeaverMoon #BeaverMoon #FrostyMoon #Supermoon2024 #Supermoon #Moon #Pleiades #NightSky #Zenith #Perigee #Astronomy