Here's a bit of WTF hackery appropriately named O.MG. Imagine a thoroughly innocuous USB cable with a built-in microprocessor loaded with spyware and a Wi-Fi antenna that uses your Wi-Fi network to transmit the stolen data back to the mothership. That cable you've been using to charge your phone from your laptop's USB port may be a spy. Only $145 to start with the basic cable w/ programmer. Imagine that! Additional cables for $120 (basic) or $180 (elite).

Here's a bit of WTF hackery appropriately named O.MG. Imagine a thoroughly innocuous USB cable with a built-in microprocessor loaded with spyware and a Wi-Fi antenna that uses your Wi-Fi network to transmit the stolen data back to the mothership. That cable you've been using to charge your phone from your laptop's USB port may be a spy. Only $145 to start with the basic cable w/ programmer. Imagine that! Additional cables for $120 (basic) or $180 (elite).
O.MG Cable
The O.MG Cable is a hand made USB cable with an advanced implant hidden inside. It is designed to allow your Red Team to emulate attack scenarios of sophisticated adversaries. Until now, a cable like this would cost $20,000 (ex: NSA's COTTONMOUTH-I). These cables will allow you to test new detection opportunities for your defense teams. They are also extremely impactful tools for teaching and training.The uncompromising attention to the physical size of the cable isn't where we stopped. Thanks to continual firmware updates, the resulting power, flexibility, and ease of use have made the O.MG Cable a favorite for both new students and seasoned pros. NOTE: All cables are 1 meter in length. Custom 2 meter versions can be found here.
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