Agenda 2030 is war on Gab: '**The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance** …'
Agenda 2030 is war on Gab: '**The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance** Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, We gather here today not in comfort but in conviction, not in complacency but in commitment, to reflect upon one of the most profound truths of human history: *the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.* This phrase, attributed to thinkers like Wendell Phillips and Thomas Jefferson, is not merely an axiom for the pages of textbooks; it is a clarion call to each of us, across generations and borders. It is a stark reminder that freedom, that precious and delicate flame, must be guarded against the winds of tyranny, corruption, and neglect. ### Liberty is Never Free Liberty has never been given freely. It is bought with the courage of the brave, the sacrifice of the selfless, and the wisdom of the vigilant. Think back through the annals of history: from the fields of Marathon to the shores of Normandy, from the tea-stained waters of Boston Harbor to the civil rights marches on Selma's bridge. In each instance, freedom's banner was lifted not by idle hands but by those who refused to accept chains, however gilded. But vigilance is more than battlefields and rallies. It is a daily discipline, a constant awareness that liberty does not maintain itself. As the philosopher John Stuart Mill warned, "The worth of a state in the long run is the worth of the individuals composing it." Our personal neglect—our apathy—can erode the foundations of liberty as surely as the most despotic regime. ### The Enemies of Liberty Liberty’s greatest enemies are often subtle. Rarely do tyrants arrive proclaiming themselves as such. Instead, they mask their intentions with promises of safety, progress, or equality. They whisper, "Surrender a little freedom, and we will protect you." They demand, "Cede a little control, and we will care for you." Each concession, each quiet acquiescence, chips away at the edifice of freedom until the people wake to find themselves in a cage they helped to build. Consider the encroachments on privacy under the guise of security. The proliferation of surveillance in the name of safety. The consolidation of power in the name of efficiency. These are not hypothetical dangers; they are the quiet erosion of freedom happening before our eyes. ### What Vigilance Demands of Us So what does vigilance require? It is not enough to merely speak of liberty; we must act for it. - **Vigilance demands courage.** It takes bravery to stand against the tide, to call out the encroachment of rights, even when it is unpopular. - **Vigilance demands wisdom.** We must educate ourselves about our history, our laws, and the principles of our government, for ignorance is the ally of tyranny. - **Vigilance demands sacrifice.** Sometimes we must set aside personal comfort and convenience for the sake of preserving freedom for future generations. And let us not forget the vigilance of love—the love for our neighbor that compels us to speak when they are silenced, to stand when they are pushed down, and to unite when division threatens to tear us apart. ### Liberty’s Eternal Light In closing, let us remember that liberty is not merely a condition of government; it is a condition of the soul. It is the ability to live in truth, to worship freely, to pursue dreams unshackled by fear. This is what we guard when we remain vigilant. This is what we fight for—not just for ourselves but for the generations yet unborn. Let us leave here today with a renewed sense of responsibility. Let us keep watch over our freedoms with the vigilance of sentinels guarding a sacred treasure. Let us never grow weary, for as long as liberty burns within the hearts of men and women, no force on earth can extinguish it. The price of liberty is indeed eternal vigilance—but it is a price worth paying. Let us rise to the occasion. Let us be vigilant. Let us be free. Thank you.'