"The state governments may be regarded as constituent and essential parts of the federal government; whilst the latter is no wise essential to the operation or organisation of the former. Without the intervention of the state legislatures, the president of the United States cannot be elected at all. They must in all cases have a great share in his appointment, and will perhaps in most cases of themselves determine it. The senate will be elected absolutely and exclusively by the state legislatures. Even the house of representatives, though drawn immediately from the people, will be chosen very much under the influence of that class of men, whose influence over the people obtains for themselves an election into the state legislatures. Thus each of the principal branches of the federal government will owe its existence more or less to the favor of the state governments, and must consequently feel a dependence, which is much more likely to beget a disposition too obsequious, than too overbearing towards them. On the other side, the component parts of the state governments will in no instance be indebted for their appointment to the direct agency of the federal government, and very little if at all, to the local influence of its members."

- James Madison, The Federalist No. 45

The states are independent and sovereign, and the federal government is dependent upon them. The states are not supposed to be dependent upon the federal government nor is the federal government sovereign over the states. The federal government needs to be returned to its original purpose of acting as a single proxy for the states in foreign affairs and mutual security/defense. It should be only very minimally involved in domestic matters. Giving the federal government too much power (which has already been done for well over 100 years) works counter to the idea of protecting our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Stop asking for government to do more - you should want it to do less. The more it does, the less liberty you have. And as John Adams wrote in a letter to his wife, "liberty once lost is lost forever."
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