• I don't believe for a millisecond that no one knew what was going on with this man. At the very least, they should have not allowed him to continue in the pulpit after finding out that he was in an adulterous relationship.
    This particular elder may not have known the whole story, but he was used as a pawn to speak to the church. He is the father of 6 daughters, so they put him up to prove how "sensitive" they are to the most vulnerable. The fact that this church has grown to this size proves that is a lie, bc no way would this church have grown if people knew that the pastor was a pedophile.
    Also, the victim put out a statement through her lawyer that said she contacted the church on several occasions. They not only ignored her, they denied her requests and offered her peanuts if she would sign an NDA.
    His entire ministry career needs to be investigated, bc I am certain there are other victims. I hope they come forward and I pray that God will heal them from what this monster did.
    Robert Morris is DISQUALIFIED from ministry. Period.
    (By the way, if you are on twitter, you should give @Kdubtru a follow. He is a solid brother who spends time breaking down these sermons, and sometimes he is even funny while doing it. I hope you will watch this video all the way to the end. And don't forget, I believe that we will soon find out how Tony Evans is connected to this. )
    I don't believe for a millisecond that no one knew what was going on with this man. At the very least, they should have not allowed him to continue in the pulpit after finding out that he was in an adulterous relationship. This particular elder may not have known the whole story, but he was used as a pawn to speak to the church. He is the father of 6 daughters, so they put him up to prove how "sensitive" they are to the most vulnerable. The fact that this church has grown to this size proves that is a lie, bc no way would this church have grown if people knew that the pastor was a pedophile. Also, the victim put out a statement through her lawyer that said she contacted the church on several occasions. They not only ignored her, they denied her requests and offered her peanuts if she would sign an NDA. His entire ministry career needs to be investigated, bc I am certain there are other victims. I hope they come forward and I pray that God will heal them from what this monster did. Robert Morris is DISQUALIFIED from ministry. Period. 😡😡😡 (By the way, if you are on twitter, you should give @Kdubtru a follow. He is a solid brother who spends time breaking down these sermons, and sometimes he is even funny while doing it. I hope you will watch this video all the way to the end. And don't forget, I believe that we will soon find out how Tony Evans is connected to this. 🤔) https://youtu.be/eFFLBTPZiEo?si=aMby9ZblLu9MMzr0
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1444 Просмотры
  • Suspected #Pedophile Pulls #Gun On Pedo Hunter (Video) https://www.infowars.com/posts/suspected-pedophile-pulls-gun-on-pedo-hunter/
    Suspected #Pedophile Pulls #Gun On Pedo Hunter (Video) https://www.infowars.com/posts/suspected-pedophile-pulls-gun-on-pedo-hunter/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 730 Просмотры
  • It is unconscionable that this man has been in the pulpit all these years. He is a pedophile and a rapist. He should be in prison. His wife is complicit, and charges should be filed against her for aiding and abetting. Olen Griffing and James Robison are equally complicit. I pray that GateWay Church falls apart and those people leave that church and find doctrinally sound churches where they can grow spiritually. I also hope that Morris' other victims come forward. I hope they begin to file civil suits against him and bankrupt him.
    It is unconscionable that this man has been in the pulpit all these years. He is a pedophile and a rapist. He should be in prison. His wife is complicit, and charges should be filed against her for aiding and abetting. Olen Griffing and James Robison are equally complicit. I pray that GateWay Church falls apart and those people leave that church and find doctrinally sound churches where they can grow spiritually. I also hope that Morris' other victims come forward. I hope they begin to file civil suits against him and bankrupt him. https://youtu.be/YIT0lVYSam8?si=xRfSpYMPg7E5Oeey
    2 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1281 Просмотры
  • BOO HOO Pedophile
    Kevin Spacey Tries To Gain Sympathy, Cries Over Losing Home Following Sexual Misconduct Trials: ‘I Can’t Pay The Bills’
    BOO HOO Pedophile Kevin Spacey Tries To Gain Sympathy, Cries Over Losing Home Following Sexual Misconduct Trials: ‘I Can’t Pay The Bills’ https://www.oann.com/newsroom/kevin-spacey-tries-to-gain-sympathy-cries-over-losing-home-following-sexual-misconduct-trials-i-cant-pay-the-bills/
    Kevin Spacey Tries To Gain Sympathy, Cries Over Losing Home Following Sexual Misconduct Trials: ‘I Can’t Pay The Bills’
    With tears in his eyes, actor Kevin Spacey told host Piers Morgan on his program that he was forced to sell his Baltimore house since he can no longer "pay the bills" that have accumulated since his numerous sexual misconduct trials.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 685 Просмотры
  • WHY Pedophiles with a 'proven' abnormal attraction to Children allowed to sit in the highest office of the land.
    WHY Pedophiles with a 'proven' abnormal attraction to Children allowed to sit in the highest office of the land.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 785 Просмотры
  • #RomanCatholicChurch Churches Going Bankrupt as Families Abandon the Church to Protect their Children from #Pedophile #Priests https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/catholic-churches-going-bankrupt-as-families-abandon-the-church-to-protect-their-children-from-pedophile-priests/
    #RomanCatholicChurch Churches Going Bankrupt as Families Abandon the Church to Protect their Children from #Pedophile #Priests https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/catholic-churches-going-bankrupt-as-families-abandon-the-church-to-protect-their-children-from-pedophile-priests/
    Catholic Churches Going Bankrupt as Families Abandon the Church to Protect their Children from Pedophile Priests
    It was reported earlier this week that another Catholic Diocese in California has filed for bankruptcy due to recent surges in lawsuits filed against pedophile priests during the past few years, which has caused attendance and support for Catholic Churches to plummet. The Fresno Diocese is not the first one to file for bankruptcy due to backlashes from pedophile priests, but follows the Diocese of Sacramento, the Archdiocese of San Francisco, the Archdiocese of Oakland, and the Diocese of Santa Rosa. While Catholic Churches across the U.S. have been going bankrupt in recent years as more and more cases are filed by the victims of Catholic pedophile priests who prey on children, that process accelerated in California after a 2019 legislative bill was passed that opened a three-year “look-back window” that would allow survivors of childhood sexual abuse to file suits based on old claims that would normally have fallen outside the statute of limitations. When the window closed in 2022, more than 2,000 individuals around the state had filed cases against the Catholic Church. Many of the victims who are now adults and were formerly abused by Catholic clergy, claim that filing bankruptcy by these dioceses is a cop out to avoid paying out settlements to the victims. And this problem of pedophile clergy is not limited to just the Catholic Church, but is a problem in ALL Christian Churches who have a central authority figure or figures that claim to be more holy than the non-clergy, and are trusted to have access to children.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2060 Просмотры
  • I'd step on the fingers, one less pedophile.
    What would you do?
    I'd step on the fingers, one less pedophile. What would you do?
    1 Комментарии 0 Поделились 666 Просмотры
  • After Watching The “World’s Worst #Pedophile”, You’ll Understand Exactly Why #Jesus Said These People Should Take A Millstone, Wrap It Around Their Necks & Throw Themselves In The Sea (Video) https://thewashingtonstandard.com/after-watching-the-worlds-worst-pedophile-youll-understand-exactly-why-jesus-said-these-people-should-take-a-millstone-wrap-it-around-their-necks-throw-themselves-in-the-sea-video/
    After Watching The “World’s Worst #Pedophile”, You’ll Understand Exactly Why #Jesus Said These People Should Take A Millstone, Wrap It Around Their Necks & Throw Themselves In The Sea (Video) https://thewashingtonstandard.com/after-watching-the-worlds-worst-pedophile-youll-understand-exactly-why-jesus-said-these-people-should-take-a-millstone-wrap-it-around-their-necks-throw-themselves-in-the-sea-video/
    After Watching The "World's Worst Pedophile", You'll Understand Exactly Why Jesus Said These People Should Take A Millstone, Wrap It Around Their Necks & Throw Themselves In The Sea (Video) - The Washington Standard
    But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. -Jesus, Matthew 18:6 It truly is incredible the depths of depravity that men ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1055 Просмотры
  • Just a little something.... I received a call from my oldest sister...You can say it didn't last long. She just told me, in a sad, drawn out tone... that a certain thing in our family, had a MASSIVE heart attack today and died. Well me, being a person that doesn't give a shit for #Pedophiles #ChildMolesters..... Just said, WOW, One less Pedophile on this earth! Thank GOD! So, all of a sudden, my sister said, (hahaha) (in quite a regular tone) I gotta go, I have something I need to do. Me: laughing, said yep, when you are told the truth, that you already know, you usually do have to go. Gotta love family right....no, not really.
    Just a little something.... I received a call from my oldest sister...You can say it didn't last long. She just told me, in a sad, drawn out tone... that a certain thing in our family, had a MASSIVE heart attack today and died. Well me, being a person that doesn't give a shit for #Pedophiles #ChildMolesters..... Just said, WOW, One less Pedophile on this earth! Thank GOD! So, all of a sudden, my sister said, (hahaha) (in quite a regular tone) I gotta go, I have something I need to do. Me: laughing, said yep, when you are told the truth, that you already know, you usually do have to go. Gotta love family right....no, not really.
    3 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1798 Просмотры
  • The #DEMONS want to arrest the woman but NOTHING to the #PEDOPHILE...OR to the #PEDOPHILES wife.... let that sink in...
    #DOJ Seeks Prison Time for Woman Who Found Ashley Biden’s Diary that Revealed Old Joe’s Perverted Acts with His Daughter
    The #DEMONS want to arrest the woman but NOTHING to the #PEDOPHILE...OR to the #PEDOPHILES wife.... let that sink in... #DOJ Seeks Prison Time for Woman Who Found Ashley Biden’s Diary that Revealed Old Joe’s Perverted Acts with His Daughter https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/doj-seeks-prison-time-woman-who-found-ashley/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=doj-seeks-prison-time-woman-who-found-ashley
    DOJ Seeks Prison Time for Woman Who Found Ashley Biden's Diary that Revealed Old Joe's Perverted Acts with His Daughter | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
    As previously reported, Ashley Biden, Joe Biden’s youngest daughter, left her diary under a mattress at the Palm Beach rehab home following a stay at a treatment facility.
    6 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2768 Просмотры
  • This needs to be done in America....wow...could you imagine all of the following....having nothing there...."government officials" "actors" "game players" "singers" "preachers/priests...the list goes on....but what about the female pedophiles...hmmm
    This needs to be done in America....wow...could you imagine all of the following....having nothing there...."government officials" "actors" "game players" "singers" "preachers/priests...the list goes on....but what about the female pedophiles...hmmm
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2352 Просмотры
  • #SaveAChild
    #SaveAChild #ExecuteAPedophile
    1 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1419 Просмотры
  • VOMIT ALERT:Our 'Leaders' Literally are Klaws Swab's Bumboys :When public schools groom children for pedophiles and corporations promote behavior that even homosexuals acknowledge is sick, something very sinister is afoot.

    VOMIT ALERT:Our 'Leaders' Literally are Klaws Swab's Bumboys :When public schools groom children for pedophiles and corporations promote behavior that even homosexuals acknowledge is sick, something very sinister is afoot. https://henrymakow.com/201101.html
    Our "Leaders" Literally are Klaws Swab's Bumboys
    When government, corporations and media speak with one voice, and stigmatize dissent as
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2129 Просмотры
  • A picture on Fake Book: and my comment: it is to the "owners" of fake book... if it was a bloody murder, a pedophile or anything else EVIL... they'd have it upfront and in your face... but evil is what fake book is all about... and the so called "owner" is NOT who everyone believe it is.
    A picture on Fake Book: and my comment: it is to the "owners" of fake book... if it was a bloody murder, a pedophile or anything else EVIL... they'd have it upfront and in your face... but evil is what fake book is all about... and the so called "owner" is NOT who everyone believe it is.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1310 Просмотры

    Could She Be Any More Satanic? – Awaken with JP KAREN BERG SENATOR FROM KENTUCKY DEFENDS PEDOPHILES SINISTER EVIL NICELY PACKAGED 'POLITI-CESE PERVERSION' SHE IS SUCH A BLEEEPING FREACKING SICKO! https://choiceclips.whatfinger.com/2024/03/12/could-she-be-any-more-satanic-awaken-with-jp/
    Could She Be Any More Satanic? – Awaken with JP
    Enjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at jpsears.locals.com! Get the Spike Control formula to help you clean your blood out of spike proteins from the vaccine. Proven to clean blood and save lives. 👍 – Whatfinger Sponsor Dr. Zelenko is the man who advised Trump on Hydroxy ..Here’s his recipe to keep
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2535 Просмотры
  • A Moslim pedophile
    A Moslim pedophile
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 807 Просмотры
    Michelle Obama’s Office Addresses Presidential Rumors
    WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE #PEDOPHILES IN THE WHITE HOUSE, AND BIG MIKE IS ONE Michelle Obama’s Office Addresses Presidential Rumors https://conservativebrief.com/michelle-obamas-81596/?utm_source=CB&utm_medium=DJD
    5 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2257 Просмотры
  • LIVE: Idaho To EXECUTE Pedophiles, Biden BEGS For Ukraine War Money, Inflation & Food Prices SURGE
    LIVE: Idaho To EXECUTE Pedophiles, Biden BEGS For Ukraine War Money, Inflation & Food Prices SURGE https://rumble.com/v4eeqju-live-idaho-to-execute-pedophiles-biden-begs-for-ukraine-war-money-inflation.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=2
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 3291 Просмотры
  • Idaho Passes Bill that will Allow Pedophiles to get Death Penalty
    Idaho Passes Bill that will Allow Pedophiles to get Death Penalty https://rumble.com/v4dp6gh-idaho-passes-bill-that-will-allow-pedophiles-to-get-death-penalty.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=1
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2323 Просмотры
  • Movie Producer John Paul Rice Breaks Silence on The Hollywood Pedophile Global Network - They Have a Pipeline of Children From Haiti to the Vatican
    Before Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell was known publicly, we found a global network of pedophiles who were selling children back and forth to each other.
    The Mainstream Media, Hollywood, the Royal Family, the Vatican are all implicated in human trafficking.
    In Hollywood, there’s a hidden layer, & when the Me Too movement started in 2017, he reached out to prominent actresses, and he asked, what about the children. They all said, “We Know. We Know.”
    Edge Dot Org was a multibillionaire club financed by Jeffrey Epstein. Contributing members:
    • Bill Gates
    • Marina Ambramovic
    • Paul Allen
    • Heads of Major Industries
    They raped & tortured these girls.
    They sacrifice these children.
    They harvest organs of children.
    They’re murdering these children for pleasure.
    They own all politicians & there is a unified cabal.
    PIZZAGATE, IF look how the New York Times covered it & compare it to the James Alefantis Instagram images, they completely omitted pictures of children in compromising positions.
    All of James Alefantis friends were talking about how delicious those children looked.
    Look at “PedoGate 2020” or “Out of Shadows” to see how disgusting these people are.
    “I worked in Hollywood for 20 years & I saw shit nobody should see.”
    When you see celebrities like Britney Spears, Amanda Bines, or any of these pop stars have meltdowns, it’s not because of fame or pressured— It’s because They are Sexually Abused and Handed Around Like Candy.
    They Have a Pipeline of children going from Haiti all the way to the Vatican on Boats.
    “You will not believe the level of satanic crap… this satanic shit going on in Hollywood & the music industry with Baphomet & pentagrams…”
    They do these things to children because it’s the closest thing to God on this earth.
    Movie Producer John Paul Rice Breaks Silence on The Hollywood Pedophile Global Network - They Have a Pipeline of Children From Haiti to the Vatican Before Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell was known publicly, we found a global network of pedophiles who were selling children back and forth to each other. The Mainstream Media, Hollywood, the Royal Family, the Vatican are all implicated in human trafficking. In Hollywood, there’s a hidden layer, & when the Me Too movement started in 2017, he reached out to prominent actresses, and he asked, what about the children. They all said, “We Know. We Know.” Edge Dot Org was a multibillionaire club financed by Jeffrey Epstein. Contributing members: • Bill Gates • Marina Ambramovic • Paul Allen • Heads of Major Industries They raped & tortured these girls. They sacrifice these children. They harvest organs of children. They’re murdering these children for pleasure. They own all politicians & there is a unified cabal. PIZZAGATE, IF look how the New York Times covered it & compare it to the James Alefantis Instagram images, they completely omitted pictures of children in compromising positions. All of James Alefantis friends were talking about how delicious those children looked. Look at “PedoGate 2020” or “Out of Shadows” to see how disgusting these people are. “I worked in Hollywood for 20 years & I saw shit nobody should see.” When you see celebrities like Britney Spears, Amanda Bines, or any of these pop stars have meltdowns, it’s not because of fame or pressured— It’s because They are Sexually Abused and Handed Around Like Candy. They Have a Pipeline of children going from Haiti all the way to the Vatican on Boats. “You will not believe the level of satanic crap… this satanic shit going on in Hollywood & the music industry with Baphomet & pentagrams…” They do these things to children because it’s the closest thing to God on this earth. https://rumble.com/v1f12nz-movie-producer-john-paul-rice-exposes-the-hollywood-pedophile-network.html
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 7261 Просмотры
  • Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives
    On June 25, 1962 Democrats started with taking prayer out of school because they said it disrespected other religions.

    On June 27, 1963 They disallowed the Bible from public readings because they said it disrespected other religions.

    On July 1, 2017 they made gay marriage legal because they said it was a human right.

    On June 14, 2021 They seemingly reclassified pedophiles as MAPs when they hung up the ‘Progress Pride Flag’ which includes ‘Minor Attracted Persons’ in it from White House portico between American flags for Pride Month ceremony because they said it’s a human right.

    On December 12, 2022 They invited a drag queen to the White House that performs for children because they said it was educational.

    On December 9, 2023 They allowed and approved the installation of a statue of Baphomet on in Iowa State Capitol by the Satanic Temple because they said not doing so disrespects their religion.

    On January 31, 2024 the man that vandalized the Balhomet statue in Iowa State Capitol for Jesus Christ was charged with a hate crime because it disrespected their religion.

    If you’re not paying attention to what they are doing and who they stand for, I’m afraid you haven’t been paying attention.
    Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives @dom_lucre On June 25, 1962 Democrats started with taking prayer out of school because they said it disrespected other religions. On June 27, 1963 They disallowed the Bible from public readings because they said it disrespected other religions. On July 1, 2017 they made gay marriage legal because they said it was a human right. On June 14, 2021 They seemingly reclassified pedophiles as MAPs when they hung up the ‘Progress Pride Flag’ which includes ‘Minor Attracted Persons’ in it from White House portico between American flags for Pride Month ceremony because they said it’s a human right. On December 12, 2022 They invited a drag queen to the White House that performs for children because they said it was educational. On December 9, 2023 They allowed and approved the installation of a statue of Baphomet on in Iowa State Capitol by the Satanic Temple because they said not doing so disrespects their religion. On January 31, 2024 the man that vandalized the Balhomet statue in Iowa State Capitol for Jesus Christ was charged with a hate crime because it disrespected their religion. If you’re not paying attention to what they are doing and who they stand for, I’m afraid you haven’t been paying attention. https://twitter.com/dom_lucre/status/1756077815932272704
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 6581 Просмотры
  • Shadow of Ezra
    Jan 31
    Andrew Breitbart died shortly after revealing John Podesta and his associates to be pedophiles.

    He brought attention to the pedophile networks ran by the Podesta Brothers and Clinton.

    Breitbart also revealed that he had acquired damning tapes of Obama at Harvard.
    Shadow of Ezra @ShadowofEzra · Jan 31 Andrew Breitbart died shortly after revealing John Podesta and his associates to be pedophiles. He brought attention to the pedophile networks ran by the Podesta Brothers and Clinton. Breitbart also revealed that he had acquired damning tapes of Obama at Harvard. https://twitter.com/ShadowofEzra/status/1752825351716155582
    2 Комментарии 1 Поделились 3241 Просмотры
  • RealSGAnon

    That time comedian Ricky Gervais
    told the entire Hollywood elitist/illuminati pedophile group
    that “their friend, Jeffrey Epstein, didn’t kill him self“


    RICKY GERVAIS, Golden Globes 2020 47 seconds
    "Spoiler alert, Season 2 is on the way, he didn't kill himself.


    🇺🇸 👉 RealSGAnon Throwback: That time comedian Ricky Gervais told the entire Hollywood elitist/illuminati pedophile group that “their friend, Jeffrey Epstein, didn’t kill him self“ @ QNEWSPATRIOT 🇬🇧 RICKY GERVAIS, Golden Globes 2020 🎥 47 seconds "Spoiler alert, Season 2 is on the way, he didn't kill himself. JUST LIKE YOUR FRIEND, JEFFREY EPSTEIN. SHUT UP I KNOW HE'S YOUR FRIEND BUT I DON'T CARE" 💥💥💥 #NCSWIC https://anonup.com//
    AnonUp.com Patriot Platform. \'If not us, who? If not now, when?\'
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2753 Просмотры