For every full greyhound bus that leaves the depot there are twenty to 25 drug pushers moving $20M in drugs from one state to another. If the DEA would bring their drug sniffing dogs to every greyhound bus terminal sniff every back pack, suitcase, and box billions in drugs and pushers would be seized and the pushers jailed. The problem is greyhound bus line be bankrupt because nobody would ride them. For now they only do the airlines. FYI: last time I rode Greyhound at least three times on the trip drug pushers sat next to me trying sell me crack, coke, and anything I needed.
For every full greyhound bus that leaves the depot there are twenty to 25 drug pushers moving $20M in drugs from one state to another. If the DEA would bring their drug sniffing dogs to every greyhound bus terminal sniff every back pack, suitcase, and box billions in drugs and pushers would be seized and the pushers jailed. The problem is greyhound bus line be bankrupt because nobody would ride them. For now they only do the airlines. FYI: last time I rode Greyhound at least three times on the trip drug pushers sat next to me trying sell me crack, coke, and anything I needed.