• #Iran’s Top Attorney Indicts #DonaldTrump for Murder in Criminal Court of #Tehran https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/irans-top-attorney-indicts-trump-for-murder-in-criminal-court-of-tehran/
    #Iran’s Top Attorney Indicts #DonaldTrump for Murder in Criminal Court of #Tehran https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/irans-top-attorney-indicts-trump-for-murder-in-criminal-court-of-tehran/
    Iran’s Top Attorney Indicts Trump for Murder in Criminal Court of Tehran
    In a story that has been widely reported in the Middle Eastern media since yesterday, June 23, 2024, Ali Alghasi-Mehr, the judiciary chief for Tehran province, has issued a 164-page indictment against 73 American officials regarding the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani and his companions back in 2020. The chief Iranian prosecutor stated that a public trial will be held next month, and that: “All the defendants, who are U.S. statesmen and military officials, have been officially notified of the case and required to introduce their lawyers." Only two of the 73 American officials have been revealed so far (that I could find), and that is former U.S. President Donald Trump, who ordered Soleimani's death, and Trump's former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. Skeptics and Zionist followers of the Trump Cult will be quick to point out that Iran has been trying to bring Trump to justice since 2020, the year Trump and the military assassinated General Qassem Soleimani, and that there is no chance Trump will ever stand trial in Iran. But many things have changed since 2020, and even since September of 2023 when it was announced that Iran was preparing these indictments, just one month before the Hamas attack on Israel in October of 2023. Also, recent events here in 2024 have dramatically changed the attitude in the Middle East with Iran and their allies. The first one was the explosion of pro-Palestinian student protests here in the U.S., which, perhaps for the first time, showed many Muslim people in the Middle East that not all Americans are Zionists, and that many Americans actually support the cause of the Palestinian people to stop Israel's genocide against them. Secondly, Iran joined the BRICS alliance at the beginning of 2024, closely allying with China and Russia to form a new “Golden Triangle” that is seen to be able to keep American and Israeli Zionist aggression in check. And lastly, military campaigns conducted by Iran and their proxies such as the Houthis have achieved far greater success than anyone in the West had previously thought was possible. If in the past it was impossible that any Americans would face criminal charges in Iran, one must consider the possibility that the situation is quickly changing, and that it actually could be possible at some point.
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  • **Journalists, Mass Casualties, and the Echo Chamber**
    ***If you carry an Obama therapy doll, you're not part of the 'Resistance'***
    STEVEN W. AUNAN | APR 17, 2024
    >When you read news about the war in Israel — the demands for a cease fire in Gaza, Iran’s recent drone and missile attack, and Joe Biden’s attempts to hinder Israel’s response — remember this: Democrats have admitted to building an echo chamber of “arms control experts” and “know-nothing journalists” who collaborate to sell government policy to the American public. And although that policy may contain some truth, it is built on a fundamental lie — which means it is nothing more than propaganda.
    **Journalists, Mass Casualties, and the Echo Chamber** ***If you carry an Obama therapy doll, you're not part of the 'Resistance'*** STEVEN W. AUNAN | APR 17, 2024 >When you read news about the war in Israel — the demands for a cease fire in Gaza, Iran’s recent drone and missile attack, and Joe Biden’s attempts to hinder Israel’s response — remember this: Democrats have admitted to building an echo chamber of “arms control experts” and “know-nothing journalists” who collaborate to sell government policy to the American public. And although that policy may contain some truth, it is built on a fundamental lie — which means it is nothing more than propaganda. > >[...] https://semipropilgrim.substack.com/p/journalists-mass-casualties-and-the
    Journalists, Mass Casualties, and the Echo Chamber
    If you carry an Obama therapy doll, you're not part of the 'Resistance'
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  • The reasons why assaults on Israel are a big deal. Israel is our only ally in the middle east. Iran is financing the hamas invasion of Israel. Without Iran there is no hamas. Iran’s motto is “Death to Israel. Death to America .” Iran can attack America next. The islamist attackers have no problem destroying all holy Jewish and Christian landmarks in Israel, making the “Holy Land” a thing of the past.
    The reasons why assaults on Israel are a big deal. Israel is our only ally in the middle east. Iran is financing the hamas invasion of Israel. Without Iran there is no hamas. Iran’s motto is “Death to Israel. Death to America .” Iran can attack America next. The islamist attackers have no problem destroying all holy Jewish and Christian landmarks in Israel, making the “Holy Land” a thing of the past.
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