• Isaiah 26:3
    You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.
    Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 62 Views
  • Isaiah 1:23 (LSB)
    Your rulers are rebels
    And companions of thieves;
    Everyone loves a bribe
    And pursues rewards.
    They do not execute justice for the orphan,
    Nor does the widow’s plea come before them.
    Isaiah 1:23 (LSB) Your rulers are rebels And companions of thieves; Everyone loves a bribe And pursues rewards. They do not execute justice for the orphan, Nor does the widow’s plea come before them.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 214 Views
  • Isaiah 10:1 (NASB)
    Woe to those who enact evil statutes
    And to those who constantly record unjust decisions...
    Isaiah 10:1 (NASB) Woe to those who enact evil statutes And to those who constantly record unjust decisions...
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 150 Views
  • “For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭57‬:‭15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    “For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭57‬:‭15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/114/isa.57.15.NKJV
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 190 Views
  • Isaiah 6:3
    And one called out to another and said,
    “Holy, Holy, Holy, is Yahweh of hosts;
    The whole earth is full of His glory.
    Isaiah 6:3 And one called out to another and said, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is Yahweh of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 153 Views
  • Isaiah 66:13
    As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
    Isaiah 66:13 As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 262 Views
  • #Isaiah 5:20 #kjv #kingjamesbible
    Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
    #Isaiah 5:20 #kjv #kingjamesbible Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 622 Views
  • Isaiah 26:3
    You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.
    Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 297 Views
  • Isaiah 5:20
    Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
    Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 531 Views
  • Isaiah 54:7
    For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.
    Isaiah 54:7 For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 194 Views
  • Leviticus 20:2
    Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.

    Molech is the god who calls for the sacrifice of children. It is the spirit that controls the abortion industry, pedophilia, and most of Hollyweird.

    Molech is the god that the church has refused to preach against for the past 50 years, which also brought America to the point where murdering a baby en utero has been made legal.

    I hope the church does not think she will get away with not teaching the whole counsel of God. THIS RIGHT HERE is the reason we are under God's judgment this very second. Pastors, preachers, teachers, evangelists: start doing your job and cry out against this wickedness.

    Isaiah 58:1
    Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.
    Leviticus 20:2 Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones. Molech is the god who calls for the sacrifice of children. It is the spirit that controls the abortion industry, pedophilia, and most of Hollyweird. Molech is the god that the church has refused to preach against for the past 50 years, which also brought America to the point where murdering a baby en utero has been made legal. I hope the church does not think she will get away with not teaching the whole counsel of God. THIS RIGHT HERE is the reason we are under God's judgment this very second. Pastors, preachers, teachers, evangelists: start doing your job and cry out against this wickedness. Isaiah 58:1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.
    2 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2268 Views
  • 'Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!'
    Isaiah 5:20

    The statement which Isaiah used to describe his time, could very well describe the time we are in now, particularly in the US, Canada, NZ, Australia, and Western Europe. It is definitely such a time when evangelical believers in Christ are greatly hated by society in general, and marxists, lgbt, especially transgenders, and Muslims are glorified. We are in such wicked times when stay at home moms are vilified, while abortionists, grossly sexually immoral folks, and drug fiends are praised. The only solution for such folks caught up in such web of sin is repentance unto faith in Jesus Christ. Perhaps you are one who needs to repent and believe the gospel. Mark 1:15b
    'Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!' Isaiah 5:20 https://www.bible.com/bible/114/ISA.5.20 The statement which Isaiah used to describe his time, could very well describe the time we are in now, particularly in the US, Canada, NZ, Australia, and Western Europe. It is definitely such a time when evangelical believers in Christ are greatly hated by society in general, and marxists, lgbt, especially transgenders, and Muslims are glorified. We are in such wicked times when stay at home moms are vilified, while abortionists, grossly sexually immoral folks, and drug fiends are praised. The only solution for such folks caught up in such web of sin is repentance unto faith in Jesus Christ. Perhaps you are one who needs to repent and believe the gospel. Mark 1:15b
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 3428 Views
  • Whatever Happened to Justice? The courts are now being used as weapons of war against those who hold different political views. It is the exact opposite of what the word JUSTICE was intended to do. LAWfair is wicked.

    To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. Prov.21:3.

    “For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing.” Isaiah 61:8

    Whatever Happened to Justice? The courts are now being used as weapons of war against those who hold different political views. It is the exact opposite of what the word JUSTICE was intended to do. LAWfair is wicked. To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. Prov.21:3. “For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing.” Isaiah 61:8 https://newswithviews.com/whatever-happened-to-justice/
    Whatever Happened to Justice?
    By Coach Dave Daubenmire March 7, 2024 To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. Prov.21:3. “For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing.” Isaiah 61:8 Noah Webster defined justice as “Impartiality; equal distribution of right in expressing opinions; fair representation of facts
    0 Commentarii 1 Distribuiri 1446 Views
  • Prosecutor Insists He’ll Keep Trying to Convict Christian Lawmaker of ‘Hate’

    ISAIAH 5:20.........Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    Prosecutor Insists He’ll Keep Trying to Convict Christian Lawmaker of ‘Hate’ ISAIAH 5:20.........Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/prosecutor-insists-hell-keep-trying-convict-christian-lawmaker/
    Prosecutor Insists He'll Keep Trying to Convict Christian Lawmaker of 'Hate' | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor
    This article originally appeared on WND.com Guest by post by Bob Unruh Has lost twice in lower courts, now going to nation’s highest judiciary Twice, a lawmaker has been cleared by a court of “hate speech” for posting a Bible verse online.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1230 Views
  • Isaiah 7:14
    Therefore the LORD Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and will call him Immanuel.
    Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the LORD Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and will call him Immanuel.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 494 Views
  • Isaiah 47:3b KJV
    Isaiah 47:3b KJV⚖️⚖️⚖️⏱️⚡️☝️👑👑👑☝️
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 899 Views
  • Proverbs 23:13-14
    Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.

    As I was reading a news article about some middle school kids who stole and wrecked their teachers' vehicle, this verse came to mind. Obviously, their parents did not take heed to this verse and apply the board of correction to their seat of knowledge when they were small. Had they done so, I doubt I would have been reading about their stunt in the news.

    I know the world does not like the idea of spanking kids. Every time it is mentioned, the word "abuse" is attached. That is what the enemy of our souls wants the world to think: corporal punishment is abuse. IT IS NOT. The LORD gave each of us a cushion on the back to absorb the "rod" that we would need, because God knew before the beginning of time that we would be stubborn, rebellious, disobedient, wicked, fleshly, selfish and sinful; and the only attempt to drive that out of us is a combination of a daily diet of God's Word, and a good warm application to our bottoms.

    As a child, I was under the influence of my parents and my Godly maternal grandmother. Between those three people, my siblings and I learned how to act. We learned that certain behaviors would not be tolerated. If we participated in certain behaviors, there would be dire consequences. While those consequences were not pleasant, they have helped shape the person that I am today. I, in turn, did not tolerate certain behaviors from my children. I have had one of my adult children thank me for how I raised them. What a blessing to my heart those comments were! But even if I had not had the privilege of living to hear my child thank me, I know that it is pleasing to the LORD when we raise our children in the manner in which He had laid out in His Word.

    Christian parents: if you have small children, now is the time to start disciplining them. If you love them, you do not want to see them on the evening news. If they make the evening news, more than likely they did something they should not have done, and that will break your heart. Give them Godly correction while they still have time to be molded. Let them know that there are rules to be followed and if they do not follow the rules, there are consequences to be suffered. Along with the discipline, let them know that God loves them with a perfect love, and begin sharing His Word with them EVERY DAY. Let them know that you love them and want the best for them, which is always rooted in Christ Jesus. Take 15 minutes out of your busy day to share with them a verse or two of scripture, until it becomes so enjoyable that you will begin sharing with them whole chapters per day! You will never regret teaching your children the ways of the LORD. (Isaiah 54:13)

    If you are a parent who is not a Christian, the same thing applies, except you first need to come to a relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ. Repent of your life of sin and ask the LORD to be your Savior and the Master of your life. If you come to Him in sincerity, He will not turn you away. (John 6:37) He will save you and indwell you with His precious Holy Spirit, which will empower you to understand His Word and give you the desire to see your children saved and walking with the LORD. Get in a Bible teaching church, one that focuses less on "stuff" and more on the Word of God, get you a good study Bible (I always recommend the MacArthur study Bible because of the notes) and start reading the Word every day, and read it to your children. You will be thankful that you started them out on God´s Word at a young age!
    Proverbs 23:13-14 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. As I was reading a news article about some middle school kids who stole and wrecked their teachers' vehicle, this verse came to mind. Obviously, their parents did not take heed to this verse and apply the board of correction to their seat of knowledge when they were small. Had they done so, I doubt I would have been reading about their stunt in the news. I know the world does not like the idea of spanking kids. Every time it is mentioned, the word "abuse" is attached. That is what the enemy of our souls wants the world to think: corporal punishment is abuse. IT IS NOT. The LORD gave each of us a cushion on the back to absorb the "rod" that we would need, because God knew before the beginning of time that we would be stubborn, rebellious, disobedient, wicked, fleshly, selfish and sinful; and the only attempt to drive that out of us is a combination of a daily diet of God's Word, and a good warm application to our bottoms. As a child, I was under the influence of my parents and my Godly maternal grandmother. Between those three people, my siblings and I learned how to act. We learned that certain behaviors would not be tolerated. If we participated in certain behaviors, there would be dire consequences. While those consequences were not pleasant, they have helped shape the person that I am today. I, in turn, did not tolerate certain behaviors from my children. I have had one of my adult children thank me for how I raised them. What a blessing to my heart those comments were! But even if I had not had the privilege of living to hear my child thank me, I know that it is pleasing to the LORD when we raise our children in the manner in which He had laid out in His Word. Christian parents: if you have small children, now is the time to start disciplining them. If you love them, you do not want to see them on the evening news. If they make the evening news, more than likely they did something they should not have done, and that will break your heart. Give them Godly correction while they still have time to be molded. Let them know that there are rules to be followed and if they do not follow the rules, there are consequences to be suffered. Along with the discipline, let them know that God loves them with a perfect love, and begin sharing His Word with them EVERY DAY. Let them know that you love them and want the best for them, which is always rooted in Christ Jesus. Take 15 minutes out of your busy day to share with them a verse or two of scripture, until it becomes so enjoyable that you will begin sharing with them whole chapters per day! You will never regret teaching your children the ways of the LORD. (Isaiah 54:13) If you are a parent who is not a Christian, the same thing applies, except you first need to come to a relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ. Repent of your life of sin and ask the LORD to be your Savior and the Master of your life. If you come to Him in sincerity, He will not turn you away. (John 6:37) He will save you and indwell you with His precious Holy Spirit, which will empower you to understand His Word and give you the desire to see your children saved and walking with the LORD. Get in a Bible teaching church, one that focuses less on "stuff" and more on the Word of God, get you a good study Bible (I always recommend the MacArthur study Bible because of the notes) and start reading the Word every day, and read it to your children. You will be thankful that you started them out on God´s Word at a young age!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 5262 Views
  • Isaiah 40:9
    O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!
    Isaiah 40:9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 870 Views
  • Isaiah 41:10
    Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness.
    Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 405 Views
  • Memorizing Scripture is beneficial because it:
    Helps to renew your mind and change your thought life, establishing permanent change in your entire manner of life and conduct (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2-3).
    Follows the example of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:1-10).
    Equips you to use Scripture in everyday situations (for example: Acts 2:16-21, 25-28; 3:22-23; 13:40-41, 47).
    Allows God’s Word to be the foundation of your life (Deuteronomy 6:6-8).
    Provides guidance (Psalm 119:24, 105).
    Develops confidence in witnessing (Isaiah 55:11).
    Establishes a fountain to conquer temptation (for example: Matthew 4:1-10) and to gain victory over sin (Psalm 119:9-11).
    Becomes an integral part of your prayer life (for example: Acts 4:24-31).
    Enables you to teach, counsel, encourage, and build up others in the Body of Christ (Colossians 3:16).
    Provides a basis for meditation On God’s Word (Psalm 119:15-16, 97).
    Makes the Word of God readily available for comfort (Psalm 119:52).
    Keeps God’s Word ready to refresh or revive (Psalm 119:93).
    Provides stability in your spiritual life (Psalm 37:31; 40:8).
    Gives you the truth so that, at times of need, you are ready to answer others concerning your source of hope (Proverbs 22:17-21; 1 Peter 3:15).
    ~John Broger
    Memorizing Scripture is beneficial because it: Helps to renew your mind and change your thought life, establishing permanent change in your entire manner of life and conduct (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2-3). Follows the example of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:1-10). Equips you to use Scripture in everyday situations (for example: Acts 2:16-21, 25-28; 3:22-23; 13:40-41, 47). Allows God’s Word to be the foundation of your life (Deuteronomy 6:6-8). Provides guidance (Psalm 119:24, 105). Develops confidence in witnessing (Isaiah 55:11). Establishes a fountain to conquer temptation (for example: Matthew 4:1-10) and to gain victory over sin (Psalm 119:9-11). Becomes an integral part of your prayer life (for example: Acts 4:24-31). Enables you to teach, counsel, encourage, and build up others in the Body of Christ (Colossians 3:16). Provides a basis for meditation On God’s Word (Psalm 119:15-16, 97). Makes the Word of God readily available for comfort (Psalm 119:52). Keeps God’s Word ready to refresh or revive (Psalm 119:93). Provides stability in your spiritual life (Psalm 37:31; 40:8). Gives you the truth so that, at times of need, you are ready to answer others concerning your source of hope (Proverbs 22:17-21; 1 Peter 3:15). ~John Broger
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 4063 Views
  • The Destruction of Babylon:
    Chilling account of what is about to happen to our Oppressors, by The God of Vengeance— For he meets Them …”not as a man…”
    Can be found in Isaiah 47- in its entirety !
    The Destruction of Babylon: Chilling account of what is about to happen to our Oppressors, by The God of Vengeance— For he meets Them …”not as a man…”⚡️ Can be found in Isaiah 47- in its entirety !
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 691 Views
  • Psalm 8:7-8
    All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field;
    The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.

    David recognized the fact that God had given mankind dominion over every living thing on the earth. He knew that mankind was the most intelligent of beings; the only one in whom God had deposited a spirit that could be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. Therefore, all of the rest of the created beings were subject to mankind. We found in Genesis 9 where the fear and the dread of mankind should live in every other created being (Genesis 9:1-3). As a matter of fact, these living creatures are made to be food for mankind. (Never let a tree hugger convince you that it is not okay to eat meat. God made your body to need protein, and the best proteins are found in meats.) Every animal that you see is made to be subject to you!

    Unfortunately, that is not the way it is. Sin came into the world, and changed everything from the way God intended. Sin causes the natural order of things to work opposite of the way God planned. We see that mankind does not have dominion over every creature. How do I know? Last year, I spent a few days in the Great Smoky Mountains, a 1500 acre tract of land in eastern Tennessee where people live in some beautiful homes, but bears roam free. People are warned not to leave food in their cars, because the bears will break into their cars looking for something to eat. Each home has a bear-proof trash receptacle outside with a padlock on it, because without the padlock, bears will rummage the garbage and make a huge mess. Visitors are warned to be careful when out walking or riding bicycles, because they may encounter a bear in the neighborhood. We actually saw a family of three bears down the street from where we were staying. They were sitting on the side of a neighborhood street, just enjoying each other's company. Do you think we had dominion over those bears? Absolutely not! We decided at that moment that we needed to be extra careful when outside of our cabin. As a matter of fact, every time we went out on the deck, we scoped the perimeter to make sure we didn't see any movement! Lol! Instead of having dominion over the bears, the bears had dominion over us!!!

    Same thing at the beach. Each summer, my family spends my birthday on the beach because the beach is my favorite place. Two years ago, as we sat on the beach, we saw a man catch a stringray. It was HUGE! It had to have been about four feet long and five feet wide. It got caught on the man's hook as he was surf fishing. I was mesmerized. I watched that thing flap those huge wings trying to get loose from the hook underneath his body. The fisherman, of course, knew what he was doing and put a clamp on the end of the stingray's tail where the stinger lives. He held it tight with one hand, while he flipped the stingray over with the other hand, and pulled the hook out. He then flipped the stingray back over and pushed him out into the water, still holding the clamp on the tail with his other hand. He then took the clamp off the tail and quickly backed away. The stingray went back out into the ocean. The point of that story is that stingrays have complete dominion over anything that comes in contact with that stinger in his tail! This is another example of the effect of sin in the world.

    One day, Jesus will make right all the things that sin made wrong in this world. Isaiah 11:6-10 shows us that one day, the Root of Jesse will make all things right again. Wolves and lambs will dwell together, leopards and goats, and calves and lions. One day, the dominion that we should have over the animal kingdom will be restored. One day, we will live in perfection with our LORD.
    Psalm 8:7-8 All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. David recognized the fact that God had given mankind dominion over every living thing on the earth. He knew that mankind was the most intelligent of beings; the only one in whom God had deposited a spirit that could be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. Therefore, all of the rest of the created beings were subject to mankind. We found in Genesis 9 where the fear and the dread of mankind should live in every other created being (Genesis 9:1-3). As a matter of fact, these living creatures are made to be food for mankind. (Never let a tree hugger convince you that it is not okay to eat meat. God made your body to need protein, and the best proteins are found in meats.) Every animal that you see is made to be subject to you! Unfortunately, that is not the way it is. Sin came into the world, and changed everything from the way God intended. Sin causes the natural order of things to work opposite of the way God planned. We see that mankind does not have dominion over every creature. How do I know? Last year, I spent a few days in the Great Smoky Mountains, a 1500 acre tract of land in eastern Tennessee where people live in some beautiful homes, but bears roam free. People are warned not to leave food in their cars, because the bears will break into their cars looking for something to eat. Each home has a bear-proof trash receptacle outside with a padlock on it, because without the padlock, bears will rummage the garbage and make a huge mess. Visitors are warned to be careful when out walking or riding bicycles, because they may encounter a bear in the neighborhood. We actually saw a family of three bears down the street from where we were staying. They were sitting on the side of a neighborhood street, just enjoying each other's company. Do you think we had dominion over those bears? Absolutely not! We decided at that moment that we needed to be extra careful when outside of our cabin. As a matter of fact, every time we went out on the deck, we scoped the perimeter to make sure we didn't see any movement! Lol! Instead of having dominion over the bears, the bears had dominion over us!!! Same thing at the beach. Each summer, my family spends my birthday on the beach because the beach is my favorite place. Two years ago, as we sat on the beach, we saw a man catch a stringray. It was HUGE! It had to have been about four feet long and five feet wide. It got caught on the man's hook as he was surf fishing. I was mesmerized. I watched that thing flap those huge wings trying to get loose from the hook underneath his body. The fisherman, of course, knew what he was doing and put a clamp on the end of the stingray's tail where the stinger lives. He held it tight with one hand, while he flipped the stingray over with the other hand, and pulled the hook out. He then flipped the stingray back over and pushed him out into the water, still holding the clamp on the tail with his other hand. He then took the clamp off the tail and quickly backed away. The stingray went back out into the ocean. The point of that story is that stingrays have complete dominion over anything that comes in contact with that stinger in his tail! This is another example of the effect of sin in the world. One day, Jesus will make right all the things that sin made wrong in this world. Isaiah 11:6-10 shows us that one day, the Root of Jesse will make all things right again. Wolves and lambs will dwell together, leopards and goats, and calves and lions. One day, the dominion that we should have over the animal kingdom will be restored. One day, we will live in perfection with our LORD.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 5013 Views
  • “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/114/isa.41.13.NKJV
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1189 Views
  • Isaiah 54:13
    And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
    Isaiah 54:13 And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 501 Views
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