• https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/donald-trump-microphones-debate/2024/08/26/id/1177931/

    0 Comments 0 Shares 378 Views
  • Thank you Jason! This hear what you said means a lot to me... "We fail to put down our phones and engage fully with the people and experiences right in front of us. Like the film industry before the 1937 fire, we often fail to recognize the value of what we have until it's gone." People don't do that any more...it's sad. I see it in restaurants, even. On their phones, and other gadgets, while their family members are sitting right there being ignored.. I have an older sister, she told me that she rarely sees her adult children, on only lives a half hour away. She said that if she got off fb, she wouldn't know what was going on. Even on Social Media the people don't communicate... constantly putting imoges....what have we become..,... July 9 - Hollywood Inferno: The 1937 Fire that Devastated Film History
    Cherishing Our Blessings Before They're Lost
    Thank you Jason! This hear what you said means a lot to me... "We fail to put down our phones and engage fully with the people and experiences right in front of us. Like the film industry before the 1937 fire, we often fail to recognize the value of what we have until it's gone." People don't do that any more...it's sad. I see it in restaurants, even. On their phones, and other gadgets, while their family members are sitting right there being ignored.. I have an older sister, she told me that she rarely sees her adult children, on only lives a half hour away. She said that if she got off fb, she wouldn't know what was going on. Even on Social Media the people don't communicate... constantly putting imoges....what have we become..,... July 9 - Hollywood Inferno: The 1937 Fire that Devastated Film History Cherishing Our Blessings Before They're Lost https://christiandevotionals.substack.com/p/july-9-hollywood-inferno-the-1937?publication_id=1970552&post_id=146229242&isFreemail=true&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=true
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2714 Views
  • Yearning For the Good Old COVID Years We all know about the millions of single, military-age men our government is importing, equipping with food, shelter, clothing, cash, cell phones, and anything else they might want or need for their upcoming mission.

    Yearning For the Good Old COVID Years We all know about the millions of single, military-age men our government is importing, equipping with food, shelter, clothing, cash, cell phones, and anything else they might want or need for their upcoming mission. https://www.wisconsinchristiannews.com/view.php?sid=9967
    Yearning For the Good Old COVID Years
     The New World Order Globalists are deadly serious about their plans for rebuilding Babylon, and they’re not stopping. Their goal is a one-world government, with a single leader to rule the world. Of course, there are many underlings doing his bidding, already at work in nations around the world, to destroy their own national sovereignty, and prepare the way for this tyrannical control of Planet Earth. Here in America, we’ve seen the deliberate importation of millions of so-called “migrants” flooding our borders — our southern border has been most visible, but make no mistake, the northern border is just as open, as are our west and east coastlines. We’re literally being invaded on all sides, and the majority of those coming to this country illegally are not seeking refuge; very few sincerely desire to become American citizens. Most are here as enemy combatants, even as we see them enter our country waving the flags of the countries they are supposedly “escaping” from. We all know about the millions of single, military-age men our government is importing, equipping with food, shelter, clothing, cash, cell phones, and anything else they might want or need for their upcoming mission. We also know about the hundreds of thousands of “unaccompanied minors” coming into this country. It was ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3176 Views
  • Illegal Alien Invaders Get Free Health Care, Food, Education, Housing, Cell Phones And Debit Cards While America’s Homeless Veterans Sleep On The Streets Because Invaders Vote Democrat

    Illegal Alien Invaders Get Free Health Care, Food, Education, Housing, Cell Phones And Debit Cards While America’s Homeless Veterans Sleep On The Streets Because Invaders Vote Democrat https://www.allnewspipeline.com/Homeless_Veterans_Sleep_On_The_Streets_Because_Invaders_Vote_Democrat.php
    5 Comments 1 Shares 3375 Views
  • @Duffner thanks for all your help, I appreciate that. Phones just sluggish at Moms.
    @Duffner thanks for all your help, I appreciate that. Phones just sluggish at Moms.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 829 Views
  • Had Dr appt today, showed up, receptionist sitting in hall, wrapped in blanket, no lights, phones don't work, power outage, told her she should buy an electric car...Nevada is screwed, thousands moving here, we're not ready
    Had Dr appt today, showed up, receptionist sitting in hall, wrapped in blanket, no lights, phones don't work, power outage, told her she should buy an electric car...Nevada is screwed, thousands moving here, we're not ready
    3 Comments 0 Shares 2487 Views
  • There are 3 essential components necessary to enact a Chinese-style Social Credit System here. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), pernicious surveillance, and a universal Digital ID. Smartphones coupled with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth fine resolution tracking, CBDC providing leverage beyond simple denial of conveniences to enforce compliance , and a verified Digital ID to prevent you from using anonymous, prepaid burner phones to avoid surveillance.

    There are 3 essential components necessary to enact a Chinese-style Social Credit System here. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), pernicious surveillance, and a universal Digital ID. Smartphones coupled with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth fine resolution tracking, CBDC providing leverage beyond simple denial of conveniences to enforce compliance , and a verified Digital ID to prevent you from using anonymous, prepaid burner phones to avoid surveillance. https://slaynews.com/news/democrat-pushes-wef-biometric-digital-id-american-public/
    Democrat Pushes WEF's 'Biometric Digital ID' for American Public - Slay News
    A Democrat congressman has called for the American people to be issued with the World Economic Forum's (WEF) "digital ID" system.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5717 Views
  • United States of America Being Colonized by the World’s Refugees: Biden has already imported 8,000,000 illegal aliens from over 100 countries. He’s giving them cell phones, credit cards and tickets to fly or bus to any city they demand.

    United States of America Being Colonized by the World’s Refugees: Biden has already imported 8,000,000 illegal aliens from over 100 countries. He’s giving them cell phones, credit cards and tickets to fly or bus to any city they demand. https://newswithviews.com/united-states-of-america-being-colonized-by-the-worlds-refugees/
    United States of America Being Colonized by the World’s Refugees
    By Frosty Wooldridge December 11, 2023 Once the European white man discovered North America, he began to “colonize” this continent to the point where it subverted 522 Native American tribes. The white settlers drove Indians out of their lands on the East Coast to the Midwest, and after Lewis &
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1181 Views
  • Chilling’: Some Smart Toys Can Collect Kids’ Iris Scans, Fingerprints, Vital Signs and More 'Toys that spy on children are a growing threat' The threats '“stem from toys with microphones, cameras, and trackers, as well as recalled toys & Meta Quest VR heads

    Chilling’: Some Smart Toys Can Collect Kids’ Iris Scans, Fingerprints, Vital Signs and More 'Toys that spy on children are a growing threat' The threats '“stem from toys with microphones, cameras, and trackers, as well as recalled toys & Meta Quest VR heads https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/12/08/chilling-some-smart-toys-can-collect-kids-iris-scans-fingerprints-vital-signs-and-more/
    ‘Chilling’: Some Smart Toys Can Collect Kids’ Iris Scans, Fingerprints, Vital Signs and More
    Guest Post by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. This year’s 38th annual “Trouble in Toyland” report, produced by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, highlighted a new threat: “smart toys” that pose a …
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3068 Views
  • Arizona Sheriff: Illegal Immigrants Being Handed $5,000 Visa Gift Cards, Cell Phones, And Plane Tickets


    Arizona Sheriff: Illegal Immigrants Being Handed $5,000 Visa Gift Cards, Cell Phones, And Plane Tickets MEANWHILE, OUR VETERANS ARE ABANDONED TO THE STREETS OR WORSE-AND THE HOMELESS MIDDLE CLASS WORKS FOR MINIMUM WAGE-OUTRAGEOUSLY EVIL! https://www.zerohedge.com/political/arizona-sheriff-illegal-immigrants-being-handed-5000-visa-gift-cards-cell-phones-and
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2488 Views
  • Oh SH*T! This is why they're INVADING America, it all makes sense now | Redacted w Clayton Morris Why are military aged men pouring across the US border, given money, cellphones, and ID cards? If you're fleeing a war zone you bring your women and children

    Oh SH*T! This is why they're INVADING America, it all makes sense now | Redacted w Clayton Morris Why are military aged men pouring across the US border, given money, cellphones, and ID cards? If you're fleeing a war zone you bring your women and children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nrUDw7ByiM
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2279 Views
  • https://www.dailywire.com/news/fbi-seizes-eric-adams-phones-amid-federal-corruption-investigation
    FBI Seizes Eric Adams’ Phones Amid Federal Corruption Investigation | The Daily Wire
    Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams was approached by FBI agents earlier this week who confiscated his cell phones as federal investigators probe allegations that the mayor’s 2021 campaign conspired with the Turkish government. Adams was confronted by the FBI while walking on the street with his security detail, The New York Times reported. ...
    1 Comments 0 Shares 2168 Views
  • https://www.westernjournal.com/mtgs-secret-snapshots-pro-palestine-protesters-phones-insurrection-go-viral/?utm_source=site&utm_medium=aggregator10&utm_campaign=can
    MTG's Secret Snapshots of Pro-Palestine Protesters' Phones During 'Insurrection' Go Viral
    1 Comments 0 Shares 2037 Views