• https://gab.com/Gary54/posts/113326254077215203
    Gary Morton on Gab: 'Tim Waltz’s Covid and Economic Corruption Waltz …'
    Gary Morton on Gab: 'Tim Waltz’s Covid and Economic Corruption Waltz enabled fraud in COVID-19 nutrition aid via Feeding Our Future. $250 million dollars disappeared in the fraud and Governor Waltz continued reimbursements while well aware of it. Indicating he was party to the fraud. Waltz spent Minnesota’s $17.5 billion surplus and levied $10 billion in new taxes. At the same time he grew government by 40% and created the highest US corporate tax rate of 9.8% +++'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 23 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/SteveDeace/posts/113322937311641670
    Steve Deace on Gab: 'After watching the Commiela interview in its full…'
    Steve Deace on Gab: 'After watching the Commiela interview in its full context, here are my thoughts: The interview is a metaphor for her entire candidacy. She actually starts out strong (for her) with a prepared filibuster of talking points on immigration (almost entirely out-of-context bunk in terms of substance but she executed them). Just as she started stronger than expected as a candidate performing her party's scripted talking points. But just like we are seeing now with her campaign, once she is compelled to move past the script there's no there actually there. Once she is challenged on any level she's incapable of adulting. Either because her side's record on every meaningful issue is so bad she either has to deflect to Orange Man Bad on all things, or because she lacks depth (or a little bit of both). I think it's clear Commiela and her campaign had a plan to filibuster as much as possible, and Brett Baier was under the gun to try and get her to articulate on actual policy issues in a limited amount of time. And this led to an awkward pacing of the interview the viral clips don't necessarily let you see. Baier did the best he could given that tension, and the elements he brought to confront her with devastated her. Two examples of this stood out to me the most: 1) On economic policy she basically said "I have the backing of the elites who actually understand economic policy" and showed no empathy whatsoever for why the average American suffering right now might disagree. This is an example of how to the Left we are now post-argument, and a window to the Left's soul. They're not even going to pretend to care for the average American anymore. If you don't want to pay 100% more per month for a new mortgage payment than you did four years ago, you're either too stupid to understand why it has to be this way, or a racist. And Leftist empathy now is letting you choose if you're dumb or a racist. 2) On Laken Riley it seemed to me Harris ceased being Commiela for minute and was actually a woman/wife/mom named Kamala for a heartbeat. In that moment it looked to me that the reality of what the policies she represents hath wrought did penetrate her choreographed persona and into her humanity. But to entertain that further would then require humility/accountability/true empathy. And so that was merely a fleeting moment. The conscience was seared and it was back to the lies, deflecting from the border patrol union's endorsement of Trump to how unstable he is, and you saw what the Bible says about hardening our hearts happen right there in real time on-camera. I could say much, much more about this interview in full (and will on today's show). But those two moments -- the belief that elites know better than the average person in all things and are basically like gods, and the searing of the conscience to disregard the consequences of my own actions in pursuit of will to power and revolution -- are bedrock fundamentals of the Western Left and were on full display from Commiela.'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 59 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/MyAmericanMorning/posts/113316987035994524
    Don L Turner on Gab: '"All right. You can begin your speech when you ar…'
    Don L Turner on Gab: '"All right. You can begin your speech when you are ready. We will add in the cheering crowd in post." "Where's the teleprompter? I need the teleprompter." "Give us a minute. Practice while you wait." "Okay I remember the beginning... I was born into a middle class family."'
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 189 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/DustyWestbrook/posts/113305486748027858
    Dusty on Gab: '"But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations,…'
    Dusty on Gab: '"But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security." The Declaration of Independence: The Official American Political Manifesto.'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 119 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/LifeSiteNews/posts/113308729665019529
    LifeSiteNews on Gab: 'Abortion ends one life and scars another'
    LifeSiteNews on Gab: 'Abortion ends one life and scars another'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 136 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/BannedOnGabOneTime/posts/113297911699632739
    Agenda 2030 is war on Gab: 'Sermon: The Weight of Our History – Understanding…'
    Agenda 2030 is war on Gab: 'Sermon: The Weight of Our History – Understanding Death by Government Dear friends, today we gather not just to celebrate life but to confront the stark reality of our shared history. We turn our attention to R.J. Rummel’s powerful work, Death by Government, a somber reminder of the depths to which humanity can sink when power is wielded without conscience. In this book, Rummel presents a staggering figure: 169,202,000 lives extinguished by government action in the 20th century alone. This is not merely a statistic; it is a cry from the grave, a testimony of the suffering of countless souls whose only crime was to exist under tyrannical regimes. As Shakespeare wisely noted, “Truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long.” It is our duty to ensure that these truths are not buried under the weight of time or the indifference of society. We must acknowledge the victims of democide—those who were systematically murdered by their own governments. The Concept of Democide Rummel introduces us to the term "democide," which he defines as the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder. This concept challenges us to rethink our understanding of violence and oppression. It urges us to see that governments can be the architects of death rather than the protectors of life. How can we allow ourselves to forget that the greatest atrocities often occur under the guise of authority and governance? We have seen it throughout history—whether it be the Soviet Gulag State, the horrors of Nazi Germany, or the brutal regime of the Khmer Rouge. Each of these governments, in their quest for control, sacrificed their own citizens, leaving behind scars that time cannot heal. The Cost of Indifference As we reflect on these truths, we must confront our own complicity. Are we not sometimes indifferent to the suffering of others? Do we not, at times, turn a blind eye to the cries of the oppressed? We are called to be vigilant, to resist apathy in the face of injustice. Rummel’s work challenges us to consider how we, as a society, can create systems that prioritize human dignity over power. It invites us to ask: How can we build a world where the lives of individuals are valued, where governments are held accountable for their actions, and where history does not repeat itself? A Call to Action Let this sermon be a call to action. We must educate ourselves about the past, not merely to remember but to prevent future atrocities. We must advocate for policies that promote transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights. In our communities, let us foster a culture of empathy and solidarity, standing with those who are marginalized and oppressed. And let us also take a moment to honor the memories of those lost to democide. In remembering, we find a way to ensure that their stories are told, their lives acknowledged, and their suffering transformed into a commitment to justice. Hope Amidst Despair While the numbers are overwhelming and the stories heartbreaking, we must not lose hope. We are not powerless. Each act of kindness, each voice raised against injustice, contributes to a collective effort to build a better world. We must work toward a future where “never again” is not just a phrase, but a reality. In closing, let us remember that truth has a way of emerging, and with it comes the opportunity for redemption and change. May we carry the weight of our history with humility and strive to create a world where every life is cherished and protected. Amen.'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 157 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/kizzey/posts/113296366369989591
    kizzey on Gab: 'PANIC: General Mark Milley lives in fear as each …'
    kizzey on Gab: 'PANIC: General Mark Milley lives in fear as each day Trump's return to the White House becomes more likely. The disgraced general admitted to treason when discussing his actions as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with Bob Woodward for his book. Presumably he never thought Trump would be reelected - with that looking very likely he's losing his mind calling the former president 'dangerous' and 'fascist to the core'. Will Milley flee the country before January 20th? From @amuse on X'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 160 Visualizações
  • There's nothing but weirdness surrounding this guy.

    There's nothing but weirdness surrounding this guy. https://gab.com/GuardAmerican/posts/113297353133355694
    GuardAmerican on Gab: '#Election2024 This ‘Pedo Tim Walz’ story keeps b…'
    GuardAmerican on Gab: '#Election2024 This ‘Pedo Tim Walz’ story keeps burbling, but still only see one clear allegation that asserts there was a school board meeting to address Walz’s inappropriate conduct with a student; and then there are the many students he took to China, on top of that. No response thus far from Harris-Walz campaign. They no doubt hope it never hits the public’s consciousness for, even if totally untrue, it would be highly damaging.'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 204 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/klokeid/posts/113297272163633644
    Grant Klokeid on Gab: 'This is the ACTUAL threat to democracy and most p…'
    Grant Klokeid on Gab: 'This is the ACTUAL threat to democracy and most people don't even know what it is. It’s the NSA data center in Utah. Specifically for domestic surveillance. https://www.google.com/maps/place//@40.4257606,-111.93408,907m/'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 131 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/AuronMacIntyre/posts/113296530109762339
    Auron MacIntyre on Gab: '"Media shapes the behavior of the masses, and any…'
    Auron MacIntyre on Gab: '"Media shapes the behavior of the masses, and any government that relies on public opinion must control the information people consume. In the US, protections around free speech make it especially challenging for the ruling elite to maintain that control." https://www.theblaze.com/columns/opinion/global-elites-fear-americas-first-amendment-and-heres-why'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 151 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/sedwards33123/posts/113290966767388540
    sedwards33123 on Gab: 'I can't believe there's not a single thread about…'
    sedwards33123 on Gab: 'I can't believe there's not a single thread about this... The Internet Archive has been experiencing a DDOS attack for three days and its security was breached. Salted PW's were compromised and The Archive is working to increase security to prevent future data loss. This is, whether anyone is admitting it or not, a misattribution attack. Publicly, the company which sued The Internet Archive is being being blamed but of course, would have no motive to do this as they recently won their court case to get the 'lending library' aspect of the site removed. The reality is that in 25 days, we are having an election; perhaps the last in our history. The Internet Archive is one of the last sites on the Internet based in the United States which does not engage in censorship. This is the reason it is being attacked. The operation was approved by Anne Neuberger personally and is being implemented by off-duty NSA personnel using non-agency-proprietary tools. It's exactly what they did to 4chan as soon as Biden got into office. I personally rely upon the Internet Archive for hosting my public-domain inventions for my initiative, but there are many thousands of other people in the United States and abroad who rely on the Internet Archive for sharing and discovering information which simply exists nowhere else. The Wayback Machine is perhaps the only thing which can be used to show the younger generation what the Internet was once like. Whenever a website such as http://forums.livescience.com disappears under mysterious circumstances, The Wayback Machine has historically been the place to go to find the proof that there was ever a website there at all. Without the Wayback Machine, a website can not only be made to disappear but the government would be free to declare its former existence to be but a figment of the imagination. The motive for erasing that history is fairly cut and dried. The best way for them to ensure that people don't resist their tyranny is to erase the memory of the time before the tyranny. If tyranny is all anyone knows from birth, they will not resist; we've seen this in China. What was done in China is being attempted here in the United States and it is happening as we speak. Stay up to date with the latest here: https://x.com/internetarchive/'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 204 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/WorldNetDaily/posts/113295467648401822
    WND.com on Gab: 'American physician, Dr. Robert Malone, brilliantl…'
    WND.com on Gab: 'American physician, Dr. Robert Malone, brilliantly and in precise detail, talks about the plan democrats have for a globalist and socialist government. https://rumble.com/v5id64i-the-real-health-threat-with-dr.-robert-malone.html'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 198 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/PeterMcCulloughMD/posts/113294373498098293
    Peter McCullough, MD on Gab: 'Long-COVID/Vaccine Syndrome Is Caused by the Wuha…'
    Peter McCullough, MD on Gab: 'Long-COVID/Vaccine Syndrome Is Caused by the Wuhan Spike Protein within Most of Us The long-term solutions for the human-engineered Spike protein detoxification are natural: nattokinase, bromelain, curcumin, and minor ingredients. Even prescription drugs used in specific syndromes are derived from natural products including hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and colchicine. Courtesy Josh Trent @WellnessForce'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 160 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/chasing_sunsets/posts/113291307817324280
    patriot girl on Gab: ''
    patriot girl on Gab: ''
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 226 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/SharylAttkisson/posts/113285502186033486
    Sharyl Attkisson on Gab: 'The minders cannot revise history in real time as…'
    Sharyl Attkisson on Gab: 'The minders cannot revise history in real time as long as the Wayback Machine Internet Archive @InternetArchive exists (http://archive.org). Which may be why this precious resource has found itself under repeat cyber attacks. Pay attention. An appropriate authority should step in and ensure it's protected for everyone's sake-- but will that happen? Here's a replay of my TV story on the Wayback Machine in 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCl6ghQQ2tQ'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 175 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/PeterMcCulloughMD/posts/113280399648467864
    Peter McCullough, MD on Gab: 'The Dark Reality of mRNA Vaccinology: Embedding R…'
    Peter McCullough, MD on Gab: 'The Dark Reality of mRNA Vaccinology: Embedding Rogue Genetic Code into the Human Exome | The Spike Protein Series Signal-Based Medicine This is not just a medical oversight—it’s a disaster in the making. It is time to stop unquestioningly accepting the false promises of mRNA technology and traditional vaccination strategies. The risks far outweigh the benefits, and the long-term consequences for humanity could be dire. We must demand immediate action, transparency, and a complete rethinking of how we approach vaccines before the damage becomes irreversible. @MolecularPearls @McCulloughFund Decision Junction and Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH https://open.substack.com/pub/johncatanzaro/p/the-dark-reality-of-mrna-vaccinology?r=14jb45&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 153 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/Gruvedawg/posts/113278242258635660
    Ivor Mectin ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ on Gab: 'This headline from the NY Times was published Sep…'
    Ivor Mectin ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ on Gab: 'This headline from the NY Times was published September 26, 2024, hours before Hurricane Helene made landfall … Here’s what they failed to mention …👇🏼 Weather Modification Patents: YEAR - PATENT NUMBER - PATENT NAME 1891 – US462795A – method of producing rain-fall 1914 – US1103490A – rain maker (balloon images) 1917 – US1225521A – protection from poisonous gas in warfare 1920 – US1338343A – process and apparatus for the production of intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists 1924 – US1512783A – composition for dispelling fogs 1927 – US1619183A – process of producing smoke clouds from moving aircraft 1928 – US1665267A – process of producing artificial fogs 1932 – US1892132A – atomizing attachment for airplane engine exhausts 1933 – US1928963A – electrical system and method (for spraying chemtrails) 1934 – US1957075A – airplane spray equipment 1936 – US2045865A – skywriting apparatus 1936 – US2052626A – method of dispelling fog (mit) 1937 – US2068987A – process of dissipating fog 1939 – US2160900A – method for vapor clearing 1941 – US2232728A – method and composition for dispelling vapors 1941 – US2257360A – desensitized pentaerythritol tetranitrate explosive 1946 – US2395827A – airplane spray unit (us. dept. of agriculture) 1946 – US2409201A – smoke-producing mixture 1949 – US2476171A – smoke screen generator 1949 – US2480967A – aerial discharge device 1950 – US2527230A – method of crystal formation and precipitation 1951 – US2550324A – process for controlling weather 1951 – US2570867A – method of crystal formation and precipitation (general electric) 1952 – US2582678A – material disseminating apparatus for aeroplanes 1952 – US2591988A – production of tio2 pigments (DuPont) 1952 – US2614083A – metal chloride screening smoke mixture 1953 – US2633455A – smoke generator 1954 – US2688069A – steam generator 1955 – US2721495A – method and apparatus for detecting minute crystal forming particles suspended in a gaseous atmosphere (general electric) 1956 – US2730402A – controllable dispersal device 1957 – US2801322A – decomposition chamber for monopropellant fuel 1958 – US2835530A – process for the condensation of atmospheric humidity and dissolution of fog 1959 – US2881335A – generation of electrical fields (haarp – for re-charging clouds!) 1959 – US2903188A – control of tropical cyclone formation 1959 – US2908442A – method for dispersing natural atmospheric fogs and clouds 1960 – US2962450A – fog dispelling composition (see references) 1960 – US2963975A – cloud seeding carbon dioxide bullet 1961 – US2986360A – aerial insecticide dusting device 1962 – US3044911A – propellant system 1962 – US3056556A – method of artificially influencing the weather 1964 – US3120459A – composite incendiary powder containing metal coated oxidizing salts 1964 – US3126155A – silver iodide cloud seeding generator (main commercial ingredient) 1964 – US3127107A – generation of ice-nucleating crystals 1964 – US3131131A – electrostatic mixing in microbial conversions 1965 – US3174150A – self-focusing antenna system (haarp) 1966 – US3257801A – pyrotechnic composition comprising solid oxidizer, boron and aluminium additive and binder 1966 – US3234357A – electrically heated smoke producing device 1966 – US3274035A – metallic composition for production of hygroscopic smoke 1967 – US3300721A – means for communication through a layer of ionized gases (haarp) 1967 – US3313487A – cloud seeding apparatus 1967 – US3338476A – a heating device for use with aerosol containers 1968 – US3410489A – automatically adjustable airfoil spray system with pump 1969 – US3429507A – rainmaker 1969 – US3430533A – aircraft dispenser pod having self-sealing ejection tubes 1969 – US3432208A – fluidized particle dispenser (us air force) 1969 – US3437502A – titanium dioxide pigment coated with silica and aluminium (DuPont) 1969 – US3441214A – method and apparatus for seeding clouds 2001 -US20030085296A1 - Hurricane and tornado control device Courtesy of Inky Bailey. Via Rachel Giangregorio https://weathermodificationhistory.com/'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 168 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/ScottPresler/posts/113278038935531747
    ScottPresler on Gab: 'This isn’t Grok. This isn’t artificial intellig…'
    ScottPresler on Gab: 'This isn’t Grok. This isn’t artificial intelligence. This is a real Pennsylvania Amish registered voter, who is voting for Trump this November. We’re courting the Amish vote. Thank you for all of your work, Tricia.'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 163 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/SteveDeace/posts/113271852470301910
    Steve Deace on Gab: 'From Pastor Josh Howerton: If Christians won't l…'
    Steve Deace on Gab: 'From Pastor Josh Howerton: If Christians won't lead, Satan will be happy to. God established 3 institutions in the Bible: family, church, and State. Whatever God creates, Satan tries to capture. - Adam did not lead his family, so Satan did. - In Revelation 2/3, passive pastors allowed their churches to tolerate sin instead of leading them to repent of sin. As a result, they become a "synagogue of Satan." The pastors did not lead the church, so Satan did. - In a Constitutional Republic, the *voters* are the leaders of the nation, as elected leaders are "representatives of the people." In the same way a husband cannot abdicate his responsibility to lead his family, and a pastor cannot abdicate his responsibility to lead his church, Christian voters should not abdicate the spiritual leadership responsibility God has assigned them in a Constitutional Republic by not voting. ~40M Bible-believing Christians did not vote in the last Presidential election. That election was decided by a strategically-placed 42,000 votes. If godly people won't lead their nation by voting, godless people will.'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 264 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/LWsojourner/posts/113279221862330781
    @LWsojourner on Gab: 'It affects you too… If you think what’s going on…'
    @LWsojourner on Gab: 'It affects you too… If you think what’s going on in the southeast as a result of hurricane Helene doesn’t affect you, think again. It’s been the beginning harvest season in these states. The southeastern states are big agricultural producers who have just lost homes, crops, livestock, friends, and more. Cotton bolls were open across Georgia and South Carolina. When cotton is blown from the bowl, is wet, or touches the ground, it is a loss due to degradation of the fibers. When a cotton crop is lost, this means the price of cotton related goods will go up in the coming months. Your t-shirts, blue jeans, table cloths, q-tips, hats, and more will all be more expensive. Peanuts weren’t all dug. Peanuts are a legume with the fruit of the plant being beneath the surface of the earth. Excessive water will cause them to rot and this will be a crop loss as well. This will affect the cost of your peanut butter, Reese’s cups, peanut brittle, Chick-fil-A (peanut oil), trail mix, and more. Pecan orchards are at a loss as many trees have been blown over. After replanting, it takes years before these trees produce nuts. Pecan prices are already high as they are tough to come by, and are a luxury import for other countries such as China. Pecans are used in lots of baked goods, especially around Christmas and other holidays. The dessert tables at the coming holidays will be priced higher. Peach trees have been blown over and lost in some areas as well. Peaches are a delicate crop that had finally recouped after a previous season loss due to frost and freeze. Peaches will also be in lower supply next season, and we all know Georgia and South Carolina have the best peaches. Livestock producers have experienced loss, but will continue to face even more loss over time. Many producers rely on wells to water their livestock as they are in rural areas. Wells require power to generate a water source. Generators are great, but many areas are also out of fuel as well. Stress from these difficult conditions on animals will also reduce their productivity over time. While we worry for all farmers and our food supply, our hearts are with dairy producers. Approximately 20% of dairy farms in Georgia are still without power, and some without generator options. No power means no good way to milk cows. Milking by hand isn’t realistic for many family operations as their milking herds are larger than what can be hand milked in a day. These animals can’t just stop producing milk. Many are uncomfortable, stressed, and will be subject to related health problems of not being milked. Watching the animals you love and rely on suffer due to no fault of your own is extremely difficult. Milk, cheese, butter, ice cream, and other dairy products may be in limited supply over the coming months. With farmers losing their crops and livestock, they’re also at a loss for an income source. They are not paid by the hour, but by the weight of their product. They will spend months in clean up. Extra manual labor will be required to try to preserve family farming operations. They will be tired and weary. Remember the farmers and their passion to produce quality products as you feed your families. When prices for goods increase in the coming months, please don’t complain. Farmers are losing their livelihoods and still earn only pennies on the dollar. They need your grace, prayers, support, and compassion as their future is extremely uncertain. It affects you too. --Big Sandy Creek Dairy'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 135 Visualizações
  • Redneck Patriot [17]


    “The U.S. Government has created ‘Weather Tampering Techniques’ so that the New World Order will be able to starve millions of Americans and will be able to control the rest…?”

    “Yes, that’s correct…”
    Redneck Patriot [17] @redneck “The U.S. Government has created ‘Weather Tampering Techniques’ so that the New World Order will be able to starve millions of Americans and will be able to control the rest…?” “Yes, that’s correct…” https://truthsocial.com/@redneck/posts/113271891243846609
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 940 Visualizações
  • Because every law, no matter how minor, is ultimately enforced at the end of a gun.

    Because every law, no matter how minor, is ultimately enforced at the end of a gun. https://gab.com/ConservaTibbs/posts/113277020010041658
    Scott Tibbs on Gab: 'Every single time you pass a law, you need to ans…'
    Scott Tibbs on Gab: 'Every single time you pass a law, you need to answer this question: Am I willing to have lethal force used to enforce it?'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 380 Visualizações
  • https://gab.com/MyAmericanMorning/posts/113274465670240872
    Don L Turner on Gab: 'Rumor has it: AOC is quite upset and disappointed…'
    Don L Turner on Gab: 'Rumor has it: AOC is quite upset and disappointed with Kamala Harris. Upon learning that Kamala had shot a Glock, AOC immediately began work on legislation making the Glock a protected species. She says, "Even future presidents should not kill defenseless Glocks."'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 306 Visualizações
  • https://local12.com/news/local/kings-island-the-beast-ohio-insurance-company-dinged-score-after-ride-on-roller-coaster-rollercoaster-cincinnati-unusual-consumer-stories-social-media-viral-posts-giga-cedar-point#
    Ohio man says insurance company dinged his score after ride on The Beast at Kings Island
    'Maam you’re going 100mp in a forest. Your insurance rate is going up.'
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 622 Visualizações
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