• Thursday, July 4, 2024

    Have We Forgotten?

    The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God. (Psalm 9:17 NLT)

    In the immediate aftermath of the unthinkable 9/11 attacks, we saw a dramatic return to faith on the part of many Americans. People were holding prayer meetings on street corners and gathering in neighborhoods to hold vigils. Members of Congress stood on the steps of the US Capitol building and spontaneously sang “God Bless America.”

    On the Sunday following 9/11, Americans packed their local churches. People were trying to make sense of it, and they were turning to God for answers. There also was great concern that terrorists would attack again. So we prayed.

    But things didn’t stay that way for very long. Interestingly, just ten years later during a 9/11 commemoration ceremony at Ground Zero, not a single person offered a prayer. Not a single pastor or minister of any kind gave thanks to God for His protection and mercy since then. Have we forgotten that God came through for us?

    Yes, we want to thank God for our security and our experts who do their best to protect our nation. But we also have to acknowledge God’s mercy. At the same time, it raises a question: When will America wake up to its spiritual need?

    The answer is not a political one. We’re in a political cycle now, and there’s a lot of talk about who will occupy the White House for the next four years. As Christians, we should register, vote, and find political candidates who represent a biblical worldview as much as possible. But at the same time, we must understand that no congressman or congresswoman, no senator, and no president can turn our country around. Not a single person can.

    It is not a political answer that America needs. It is a spiritual one. And the only real answer is a spiritual awakening. A spiritual revival must sweep America.

    God initially gave the following words to the nation of Israel, but they apply to our nation as well: “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT). We want God to heal our land.

    All too often we’re more focused on who is in the White House than what’s going on in God’s house. When God looked at a nation that was having problems, He pointed His finger at His people and said, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face . . .”

    So often as Christians, we’re quick to point out all the problems in our culture. But God is saying, “You know, I have been looking at you—you who are called by My name, you who are part of the body of Christ, you who are in the church. And the question is this: Are you experiencing spiritual revival?”

    If we as God’s people want to turn a nation around, then we need to live as we should.

    Copyright © 2024 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.
    Thursday, July 4, 2024 Have We Forgotten? The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God. (Psalm 9:17 NLT) In the immediate aftermath of the unthinkable 9/11 attacks, we saw a dramatic return to faith on the part of many Americans. People were holding prayer meetings on street corners and gathering in neighborhoods to hold vigils. Members of Congress stood on the steps of the US Capitol building and spontaneously sang “God Bless America.” On the Sunday following 9/11, Americans packed their local churches. People were trying to make sense of it, and they were turning to God for answers. There also was great concern that terrorists would attack again. So we prayed. But things didn’t stay that way for very long. Interestingly, just ten years later during a 9/11 commemoration ceremony at Ground Zero, not a single person offered a prayer. Not a single pastor or minister of any kind gave thanks to God for His protection and mercy since then. Have we forgotten that God came through for us? Yes, we want to thank God for our security and our experts who do their best to protect our nation. But we also have to acknowledge God’s mercy. At the same time, it raises a question: When will America wake up to its spiritual need? The answer is not a political one. We’re in a political cycle now, and there’s a lot of talk about who will occupy the White House for the next four years. As Christians, we should register, vote, and find political candidates who represent a biblical worldview as much as possible. But at the same time, we must understand that no congressman or congresswoman, no senator, and no president can turn our country around. Not a single person can. It is not a political answer that America needs. It is a spiritual one. And the only real answer is a spiritual awakening. A spiritual revival must sweep America. God initially gave the following words to the nation of Israel, but they apply to our nation as well: “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT). We want God to heal our land. All too often we’re more focused on who is in the White House than what’s going on in God’s house. When God looked at a nation that was having problems, He pointed His finger at His people and said, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face . . .” So often as Christians, we’re quick to point out all the problems in our culture. But God is saying, “You know, I have been looking at you—you who are called by My name, you who are part of the body of Christ, you who are in the church. And the question is this: Are you experiencing spiritual revival?” If we as God’s people want to turn a nation around, then we need to live as we should. Copyright © 2024 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 266 Просмотры
  • I keep telling folks that the hand of the LORD is on this man. Do I think he is a Christian? NO. But I believe that the "effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man..." have produced much fruit over the past few weeks. Saints, the LORD may decide to give America one more chance before her destruction. Let's take advantage of it!!!!
    I keep telling folks that the hand of the LORD is on this man. Do I think he is a Christian? NO. But I believe that the "effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man..." have produced much fruit over the past few weeks. Saints, the LORD may decide to give America one more chance before her destruction. Let's take advantage of it!!!!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 180 Просмотры
  • this is what America, and her people absolutely NEED.i am all in on prayer to our Father in heaven in his son's name Jesus (Yeshua). and fasting is always a good thing when done right.

    this is what America, and her people absolutely NEED.i am all in on prayer to our Father in heaven in his son's name Jesus (Yeshua). and fasting is always a good thing when done right. https://notthebee.com/article/tennessees-governor-signs-law-making-july-a-statewide-month-of-fasting-and-prayer-asks-citizens-to-seek-gods-hand-of-mercy-healing-on-tennessee
    1 Комментарии 1 Поделились 365 Просмотры
  • For the faithful, Spirit-filled Christian, every place becomes a place of prayer.
    -John F. MacArthur
    For the faithful, Spirit-filled Christian, every place becomes a place of prayer. -John F. MacArthur
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 274 Просмотры
  • I just want to praise God for blessing our move in every way....he answered my prayers concerning my mother and our move and has made this transition so smooth like only He can do. He lead me to a loving and Godly church and I have met wonderful new friends and rekindled old friendships. God is so good all the time! (Also so blessed to be back among conservatives!)
    I just want to praise God for blessing our move in every way....he answered my prayers concerning my mother and our move and has made this transition so smooth like only He can do. He lead me to a loving and Godly church and I have met wonderful new friends and rekindled old friendships. God is so good all the time! (Also so blessed to be back among conservatives!)
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 366 Просмотры
  • 'Heal our land': U.S. governor signs call for 31 days of prayer, fasting | WND | by WND Staff https://tiny.iavian.net/20784
    'Heal our land': U.S. governor signs call for 31 days of prayer, fasting | WND | by WND Staff https://tiny.iavian.net/20784
    'Heal our land': U.S. governor signs call for 31 days of prayer, fasting | WND | by WND Staff
    In days gone by America's leaders periodically called for prayer and fasting.
    1 Комментарии 1 Поделились 523 Просмотры
  • I'd like to ask for prayer. Over 2 and a half years ago. My oldest son and I came for a "vacation" to Florida. On the way down he was T-boned in Georgia. His neck was broken and he has problems with his back. It's been 2 years since his surgery. All Dr. appointments have been over for over a couple of months. He is doing very well...Just waiting for the attorneys now....still. We both are in prayer for them to finish...we would both like to go back home...though my son probably will be a Florida snowbird. I have my camper in a place that is pretty much a BLUE zone...Extremely hard place to live...planning a trip back up to Illinois, the middle of next month. My prayer is, that all with the attorneys will be done, and I can take my camper and everything, my son and I have accumulated. I really don't want to come back here. Thank you...
    I'd like to ask for prayer. Over 2 and a half years ago. My oldest son and I came for a "vacation" to Florida. On the way down he was T-boned in Georgia. His neck was broken and he has problems with his back. It's been 2 years since his surgery. All Dr. appointments have been over for over a couple of months. He is doing very well...Just waiting for the attorneys now....still. We both are in prayer for them to finish...we would both like to go back home...though my son probably will be a Florida snowbird. I have my camper in a place that is pretty much a BLUE zone...Extremely hard place to live...planning a trip back up to Illinois, the middle of next month. My prayer is, that all with the attorneys will be done, and I can take my camper and everything, my son and I have accumulated. I really don't want to come back here. Thank you...
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  • There cannot be an answer until there is a prayer.
    ~Woodrow M. Kroll
    There cannot be an answer until there is a prayer. ~Woodrow M. Kroll
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 444 Просмотры
  • Video
    Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - This Is Why #GunConfiscation Will Never Work - https://youtu.be/48nfdmYZ0Iw?si=FGTpL8J-o7xZrKFT

    #JesusChrist told his disciples to buy a sword. Why did Jesus say that? Because life on this earth is very dangerous, and a wise Christian will desire to protect themselves, and those who they love. Of course #prayer is the most important thing you can do to stay safe, but there isn't anything wrong with personal #defense. In this video I am going to show proof of #Police raiding a home, and how it can go very wrong when they come up against an armed home owner. If it is this bad on one home, imagine doing this at every house in America, where #gunowners live. Please do not fall for liberal media propaganda on #guncontrol! #2a #2ashallnotbeinfringed
    Video Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - This Is Why #GunConfiscation Will Never Work - https://youtu.be/48nfdmYZ0Iw?si=FGTpL8J-o7xZrKFT #JesusChrist told his disciples to buy a sword. Why did Jesus say that? Because life on this earth is very dangerous, and a wise Christian will desire to protect themselves, and those who they love. Of course #prayer is the most important thing you can do to stay safe, but there isn't anything wrong with personal #defense. In this video I am going to show proof of #Police raiding a home, and how it can go very wrong when they come up against an armed home owner. If it is this bad on one home, imagine doing this at every house in America, where #gunowners live. Please do not fall for liberal media propaganda on #guncontrol! #2a #2ashallnotbeinfringed
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 4195 Просмотры
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    Hiding Behind #Prayer – Revealed https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/hiding-behind-prayer-revealed/
    Hiding Behind Prayer - Revealed » Sons of Liberty Media
    “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.” -Proverbs 28:9 How many times I have heard people say that they would pray for something for which they received no answer is more than I can recollect. Yet, on the other hand, when I looked at them through …
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  • In this past Sunday’s service at Hilltop Bible Church, l made an announcement that was both sad, but needful. After pastoring there for ten and a half years, l announced today that l was stepping down as pastor. It has been a great run at Hilltop. I loved the time serving there, pastoring a wonderful group of people. Not for one minute do l regret pastoring that church. It was a God blessed experience. The church, along with my wife and l, did a lot of neat things together, and accomplished a lot of ministry together. It was a heart breaking decision to make, but l am convinced that the time had come for me to step down. My wife and l did not just leave a church, we left a family that we have been a part of for over a decade. A friend of mine has agreed to fill in as preacher.
    I also discontinued doing Sunday services at the nearby nursing home. Been doing those for over two years.
    Last week, l agreed to being an interim pastor at St Paul’s Church in Craigsville Va. That church and l have agreed for me to serve on a trail basis of several months.
    Just want to thank all of you for your prayers over the years for Hilltop Bible Church. Keep that church in your prayers as they move on without me. Also, continue to pray for my wife and l as we make this next move in our lives. God bless.
    In this past Sunday’s service at Hilltop Bible Church, l made an announcement that was both sad, but needful. After pastoring there for ten and a half years, l announced today that l was stepping down as pastor. It has been a great run at Hilltop. I loved the time serving there, pastoring a wonderful group of people. Not for one minute do l regret pastoring that church. It was a God blessed experience. The church, along with my wife and l, did a lot of neat things together, and accomplished a lot of ministry together. It was a heart breaking decision to make, but l am convinced that the time had come for me to step down. My wife and l did not just leave a church, we left a family that we have been a part of for over a decade. A friend of mine has agreed to fill in as preacher. I also discontinued doing Sunday services at the nearby nursing home. Been doing those for over two years. Last week, l agreed to being an interim pastor at St Paul’s Church in Craigsville Va. That church and l have agreed for me to serve on a trail basis of several months. Just want to thank all of you for your prayers over the years for Hilltop Bible Church. Keep that church in your prayers as they move on without me. Also, continue to pray for my wife and l as we make this next move in our lives. God bless.
    4 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2570 Просмотры
  • We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the heavenly world, and can bring its power down to earth.
    ~Andrew Murray
    We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the heavenly world, and can bring its power down to earth. ~Andrew Murray
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 918 Просмотры
  • There is enough sin in my best prayer to send the whole world to hell.
    ~John Bunyan
    There is enough sin in my best prayer to send the whole world to hell. ~John Bunyan
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 988 Просмотры
  • Prayer, desperate prayer, seems so simple, but it’s a step rarely taken by those in family conflict.
    ~Erwin Lutzer
    Prayer, desperate prayer, seems so simple, but it’s a step rarely taken by those in family conflict. ~Erwin Lutzer
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 599 Просмотры
  • Cre8aplace friends: my latest video is uploaded! Check out my channel on Rumble, ABiblicalWorldview. Be encouraged, leave your thoughts and share it with your friends and family. Thanks for your prayers and support.
    Cre8aplace friends: my latest video is uploaded! Check out my channel on Rumble, ABiblicalWorldview. Be encouraged, leave your thoughts and share it with your friends and family. Thanks for your prayers and support. Rumble.com/user/abiblicalworldview1
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 812 Просмотры
  • Thanks for your prayers for my interview yesterday. After careful consideration, I concluded that the position was not a good fit for me. Praise God I got a call right after that interview about a potential perfect fit for me. Please continue to pray that the LORD will open an opportunity for me. These are difficult economic times, and I need a JOB!!!
    Thanks for your prayers for my interview yesterday. After careful consideration, I concluded that the position was not a good fit for me. Praise God I got a call right after that interview about a potential perfect fit for me. Please continue to pray that the LORD will open an opportunity for me. These are difficult economic times, and I need a JOB!!!
    I am headed into a job interview, friends. Please pray that the LORD will open this door for me. Thanks for your prayers!!!
    1 Комментарии 0 Поделились 830 Просмотры
  • I am headed into a job interview, friends. Please pray that the LORD will open this door for me. Thanks for your prayers!!!
    I am headed into a job interview, friends. Please pray that the LORD will open this door for me. Thanks for your prayers!!!
    2 Комментарии 2 Поделились 1499 Просмотры
  • Prayer Tree - June 11
    Prayer Tree - June 11 https://govmikehuckabee.substack.com/p/prayer-tree-june-11?publication_id=247754&post_id=145532031&isFreemail=true&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
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  • Prayer Tree - June 10
    Prayer Tree - June 10 https://govmikehuckabee.substack.com/p/prayer-tree-june-10?publication_id=247754&post_id=145493830&isFreemail=true&r=1maoyr&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
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  • It is disturbing to see folks on social media that l am acquainted with, who offer prayer requests, will like godly sayings l post, and post scriptures, congratulate a homosexual and his partner for their same sex wedding. That is sad indeed and goes against God’s word.
    It is disturbing to see folks on social media that l am acquainted with, who offer prayer requests, will like godly sayings l post, and post scriptures, congratulate a homosexual and his partner for their same sex wedding. That is sad indeed and goes against God’s word.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1562 Просмотры
  • There is no promise God cannot keep, no prayer God cannot answer, and no problem too hard for Him to solve.
    ~Adrian Rogers
    There is no promise God cannot keep, no prayer God cannot answer, and no problem too hard for Him to solve. ~Adrian Rogers
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 568 Просмотры
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