Mark 9:24
And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, LORD, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.
This father knew that Jesus is LORD. He had no doubts about the deity of the Savior. His unbelief pertained to the healing of his child. His son had been maniacal all of his life, and the father confessed to Jesus that he had brought his son to the disciples, and they were unable to heal him. He had all but lost hope of his son's ever being healed. He was miserable, desperate and exasperated. In tears, he pleaded with the Savior to strengthen his faith.
As believers, I imagine that we all have gone through periods where our faith has been tested in like manner. It is not that we don't believe Jesus is Who He is, but sometimes we doubt He will do what we need. There are times when we have leaned on God's people, and they have failed in the same manner as the disciples failed this father. There are times when we need the LORD to help our unbelief. The only thing we can do is exactly what this father did: cry out to the LORD. If you are struggling with your faith, cry out to the LORD and ask Him to help you. He wants you to have strong faith. He wants you to trust Him.
Devotion for September 30, 2023