How to Succeed in Politics

Or how I came to rule the world

It is difficult to see the state of the world clearly when we are constantly bombarded with misinformation, propaganda, and showmanship.

Every elected person and those who desire to be elected are performing on stage in front of the world audience. Each has their own version of slight-of-hand and endeavor to convince you their version is better than any other. Like monkeys in the zoo, flinging feces at spectators, politicians are repeatedly flinging distractions in the air all-the-while preparing for the New World Order takeover of our way of life.

No elected official in the United States has stood up on our behalf and denounced this evil cancer spreading within our country. They believe it is in their best interest to be a party to such a coup; They vehemently believe they are the chosen ones. Little do they know they are expendable and will be cast aside once they have completed their part. They don't realize that they are the middle pieces in this chess game. While we are treated as pawns, they are the rooks, bishops, and knights, and will be sacrificed when the time is right.

Others, such as Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, are considered royalty. They are given carte-blanch to inject poisons in our foods and medicines. Government agencies whose outward appearance is to protect us are endorsing those injections. They purposely destroy our food processing facilities and distribution centers, pollute our water supply, and inject our cattle, fish, and game with DNA modifying substances. No elected official has filed charges of murder for those who have succumbed to their efforts, nor filed charges of conspiracy to commit murder for the ongoing manipulation of consumables.

The more these politicians tergiversate, more American people emerge from the fog with clear vision.

We the People of the United States have but one option, to cast off this current government and institute new government.